
Monday, March 9, 2015

Another pathetic effort by Stev Sheffey to cover for the anti Israel obama and Democratic traitors of israel

There is this Chicago guy Steve Sheffey, a shill for Obama, who has to twist himself into a pretzel to try and defend obama's pro jihadist, stab Israel in the back policies. To read more about that, see

Some of the dangerous nonsense he writes "The deal will have a sunset clause, after which we will be in a better position than we are today to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Without a deal, a nuclear arms race in the Middle East is more likely. The U.S. is working on Iran's other nefarious activities, but those are beyond the scope of a deal on nuclear weapons. A terrorist state without nuclear weapons is better than a terrorist state with nuclear weapons."

He writes the sunset clause is a good thing. His position is ridiculous. He says after that we will be in a better position to prevent Iran? Crazy!!! We will be in NO position to do so.

Steffey quotes Ex Mossad Dagan, who for political reasons keeps attacking Netanyahu and wants us to believe him, 
Ex-Mossad cheif, Meir Dagan was wrong about Muslim brotherhoodand Assad. Why should we take his word on #Iran?…
Even the ultra liberal israeli newspaper says Dugan wrong about Iran.

Steffey  tries to defend Obama's LIES about Iran and claims Susan rice (who has tons of her $40 million) invested in Iranian related companies) answered Netanyahu's objections. Insanity. Appeasement.
1. Obama claims his negotiations working. Liberal Washington post gave him 3 pinochios for those lies.
2. Obam ignores evidence from IAEA that as we speak, Iran is hiding nuclear programs 
3. While Obama is talking to them, they destroy mock up of US aircraft carrier.
4. Mullahs say Obama desperate to make a deal
5. Egypt, Israel, UAE, Jordan, saudis are beside theselves over Obama's betrayal.
6. Obama's top advisor, Valrie Jarett, born in iran and says she is Muslim.
7. Obama makes no demand that Iran stop exporting error on 5 continents, that it stop saying it wanst to destroy Israel and USA.

Here is the jist of it and the bizarre defense of Obama by Jews like sheffeyt.
President Barack Obama, and his Iranian-born top aide Valerie Jarrett, have been engaged in secret negotiations with Iran over their nuclear enrichment program for some time and now its in the open. They are desperate for a deal.
Many fear that Iran will come out ahead in the negotiations and emerge from the deal posing an even greater threat to not only Israel, but America as well, along with our other Arab allies in the Gulf region. Even without nuclear weapons, they are the CHIEFsponsor of terror in the world, exporting terror to 5 continents, planning a Persian caliphate once more, and NOw control 4 other arab capitals. Obama's traitorous plan guarantees them nuclear weapons.
This is precisely why Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to speak to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday, to warn of what will happen if there is a bad deal that ultimately allows Iran to obtain the nuclear weapons they desire.
This was Netanyahu delivering a “game-deciding home run” of a speech.
The speech was historic, due to the serious pressure of current events in the Middle East, not to mention the stiff opposition the prime minister received for his speech from Obama and the Democrats.
Netanyahu literally turned the other cheek to his critics, exhibiting the quiet strength of a true world leader. This world-leading strength stood juxtaposed to Obama’s weakness, which we naturally compared to British leader Neville Chamberlain, who negotiated with Hitler’s Nazis in the lead up to World War II, arguably making the eventual outcome of the war worse than it may have been had the threat been confronted earlier.  Netanyahu is in the same category as Winston Churchill, who stood strong against Hitler even as Britain temporarily stood alone.

Only a self hating Jew, whose allegiance no matter how dangerous and injurious to the world, is to any Democrat, rather than the truth, could see it Sheffey, Brad Schneider and Jan Schakowski's way..We've had kapos before. Nothing new here.

This Sheffey suggests that Israel's ambassador not attending the speech =the betrayal of so many Congressional Democrats boycotting the speech or attending and turning their backs on the Israel Prime Minister. Steffey  applauds the fact that Brad Schenider, the JStreet ultra liberal who just lost his Congressional seat to a real supporter of Israel, Bob Dold, attended the speech. He's planning to run again in that very Jewish district, God help us. Yes but look at the video and the  man sitting with a scowl as the prime Minister speaks, That is Brad Schneider, who PRETENDS to support Israel but is another hater. Jan Schakowski, another jewish traitor, was disinvited from a big dinner by keshet that was going to honor her, because of her betrayal of Israel. Scowling, sitting in disrespect Brad Schneider, fittingly,  is on the far left of the picture, in the second row, insulting Netanyahu. What can you expect from a  supporter  of the traitorous J STreet( ). See Schenider sit here

Richard Baehr on the disgusting Democratic boycotters
The Obama-organized boycott of Netanyahu's talk is of a different scale ‎entirely, and more than just symbolic. The vice president, secretary of state, and every other member of the Obama team ‎found somewhere to be other than at Netanyahu's speech. They were ‎joined by what we should now call the BDS Democrats, the 56 ‎Democrats from the House and Senate who refused to attend ‎Netanyahu's talk, and by their absence, they did something more ‎significant than boycott a hummus brand. They boycotted the ‎leader of an American ally, and boycotted Israel, and then lined up ‎for the camera to hammer Netanyahu as soon as the talk was ‎finished.‎
This despicable behavior should mark these members from here on. ‎It is good to see that one Jewish Democratic congresswoman, Jan ‎Schakowsky, received some immediate negative feedback after her ‎boycott of Bibi's speech. Schakowsky has gotten a free pass for ‎years as a supposed pro-Israel member, while effectively limiting ‎her support for Israel to voting for foreign aid. That has become the ‎lowest common denominator standard that is used by Jewish groups ‎to call someone pro-Israel. 
The Jews on campus who align with SJP and its allied anti-Semites ‎and Israel-haters serve a useful function, allowing these groups to ‎attempt to detoxify their otherwise noxious conduct by claiming, ‎‎"Look, Jews are also members of SJP and other pro-boycott groups." ‎Senators Al Franken, Brian Schatz, and Bernie Sanders, and House ‎members Steve Cohen, Schakowsky and John Yarmuth, have done ‎the same thing this week by their participation in the boycott, doing ‎real damage not just to maintaining a bipartisan pro-Israel ‎consensus in Congress, but in legitimizing and making it easier for ‎other members to boycott ‎Netanyahu and boycott Israel as well. 
At this point, it seems as if for some members, ‎earning points from the Congressional Black Caucus for standing ‎with Obama and his outreach to and swooning for Iran, matters a lot ‎more than standing with Israel.

And the there is the shameless Jan Schakowsky now leading the charge for the pro-mullah National Iranian American Council (NIAC):  

OK Steve, explain this away. Victor Davis Hanson:

Israel, Jews, and the Obama Administration
Posted By Victor Davis Hanson
Can you feel the warmth? President Obama meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House, Oct 1st, 2014. (Rex Features via AP Images)
Even some Democrats in Congress have come to the conclusion that after the brouhaha over Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech before Congress, President Obama wants to radically downgrade the long American special relationship with democratic Jewish Israel — and perhaps has a dislike of the idea of Israel. Add up the administration’s initial disparagement on the matter of Israeli settlements, untoward administration remarks during the Gaza War, its assumptions that a future autonomous West Bank had a right to insist on becoming Judenfrei, its downplaying the Iranian nuclear threat, John Kerry’s various editorializing about Israeli supposed overreactions, the constant hectoring of Israel, and rumors of a slowdown in military aid to Israel during the Gaza war, and so on and so on.
These acts seem to fit into a prior landscape of the administration’s anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli supposed slips, gaffes, and smears.
I thought it a bit strange that in 2008 the Obama campaign lobbied the Los Angeles Times[1] not to release a tape of Obama’s remarks at a 2003 dinner honoring Palestinian activist Rashid Khalidi when then-state senator Obama supposedly thanked the latter for reminding him of his own “biases” and “blind spots” on the Middle East. Why not just release the innocuous tape I thought. But then again things happen at dinners.
I thought it a bit strange when would-be national security advisor to the 2008 Obama campaign, Zbigniew Brzezinski, hinted that he might think it a good idea to shoot down Israeli jets [2] should they go over U.S.-controlled Iraqi airspace on their way to hit Iran’s nuclear facilities. But then again everyone says strange things now and then.
I thought it a bit strange that Samantha Power [3] would become such a prominent Obama advisor after she hypothesized about sending U.S. forces into the Israeli-Palestinian dispute [4] to keep both sides honest. But then again it is easy to take things out of context. And who, after all, would even envision U.S. and Israeli soldiers shooting at each other?
I thought it a bit strange that Barack Obama’s minister, whose “audacity of hope” sloganeering became the title of Obama’s second book, whined shortly after his former protégé assumed the presidency, “Them Jews ain’t going to let him talk to me [5].” But then again one should not fall into the guilt-by-association trap of “birds of a feather flock together.”
I thought it was strange when Obama’s first call as president [6] went to Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas. But then again I shrugged that his first interview went to the newspaper Al-Arabiya, and he declared a “special relationship” with the virulently anti-Israeli Prime Minister and now President of Turkey Recep Erdogan.
I thought it strange that Obama in 2009 called in Jewish leaders only to lecture on the need to put “daylight” between Israel and the United States [7]. But then I assumed that these leaders did not seem too disturbed about such comments.
I thought it strange when Barack Obama stormed out of a White House meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu and left him to stew alone for over an hour [8]. But then again I noted that he was hungry and wanted to step out for a while to dine alone with his family.
I thought it strange that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would leak the fact that for 43 minutes [9] — not 42 or 44 — she berated Prime Minister Netanyahu about settlements on the West Bank. But then who really counts minutes on the phone?
I thought it a bit strange that Al Sharpton became Obama’s chief contact with the African-American community and a habitual visitor to the Oval Office, given that he has a long history [10] of anti-Semitism slurs, highlighted by eerie quotes like “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house!”  But then again, I wrote that off as just another Jesse Jackson-like Hymietown off-the-cuff quote.
I thought it strange that Obama trashed the Israeli prime minister in an open-mic putdown. But then I note that so did French President Nicolas Sarkozy, and thus so what?
I thought it strange when Obama’s ambassador to Belguim seemed to justify Islamic anti-Semitism as if it were the fault of Jews in Israel [11]: “A distinction should be made between traditional anti-Semitism, which should be condemned, and Muslim hatred for Jews, which stems from the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians…an Israeli-Palestinian peace treaty will significantly diminish Muslim anti-Semitism.” But then I note that ambassadors are often not an impressive bunch.
I thought it strange that aides to the president in unattributed remarks would smear the combat veteran Netanyahu as both a “coward” and “a chickensh-t.” [12] But then again, who knows what is actually said off the record?
I thought it strange that after radical Islamic terrorists deliberately targeted a Jewish Kosher market in Paris to kill Jews the president would characterize the attacks cavalierly and inaccurately as terrorists who “randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris.”[13] I thought all that strange — and yet perhaps the pattern now not so strange.
After six years, all this — and far more examples — makes perfect sense. There is only one pattern to supposed gaffes and slips: they always go against the state of Israel and give the benefit of the doubt to its numerous enemies. The administration’s words about Israel naturally explain its deeds, and then again its deeds its words: Barack Obama is not and has never been fond of Israel, both the reasoning for its existence and the vigilance necessary for its continuance.
It’s time Americans accept this radical detour from 70 years of American foreign policy. It is what it is — and it is far from over yet.

Article printed from Works and Days:
URLs in this post:
[4] sending U.S. forces into the Israeli-Palestinian dispute:
[7] to put “daylight” between Israel and the United States:
[12] as both a “coward” and “a chickensh-t.”:
[13] randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris.”:

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