
Friday, March 27, 2015

How to engage (DEBATE) a liberal with reason, facts, morality, clarity

How to engage a liberal with reason, facts, morality, clarity. Ask- do you care about: the poor? blacks? middle class? debt? Israel? our allies? terrorism? military strength?

Be prepared. Liberals, having no reason or facts on their side, usually will just try and shut you up by calling you a racist or sexist.

Can I ask some questions to establish where we differ?
1. The poor
a.Do you care about the poor?
b. Do you deny that the "War on Poverty" started by LBJ has lasted since the middle 60's, cost $22 trillion and after 6 years of Obama, we have RECORD poverty in USA? Record food stamps?

a.Do you acknowledge Obama campaigned in 2008 against Bush's deficits and said it was unpatriotic? "“The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving ..."
b. Do you acknowledge Obama spending will DOUBLE all prior accumulated US debt by 44 presidents?

3. Blacks
a. To you care how Blacks and other minorities fare in USA?
b. Do you acknowledge Blacks have fared far more poorly under Obama ?
Do you care about racial tension?
Do you acknowledge racial tension is far worse under Obama?

Middle Class
Do you care about how the middle class does?
Do you acknowledge middle class families have lost an average of $2500 annually per family under Obama

Do you acknowledge the employment rate does not count those who quit the labor force in disgust?
Do you acknowledge labor force participation rate is at a low of 60 years?

Do you care if Israel exists?
Do you acknowledge Obama is undermining Israel and our Middle east allies constantly in favor in favor of Iran?
"Charles krauthammer-iranian-ayatollahs-chants-death-to-america-but-obama-attacks-israel-"
Terrorism expert Steve Emerson: “we have an administration that's in bed with these radical Islamic groups
"Former CIA official:  Obama has switched sides"
see the plethora of evidence: Israel
Do you recall how Jerusalem was booed at the 2012 democratic convention?

Do you acknowledge Obama sent a secret envoy to iran mullahs in 2008 promising them they'd like his presidency?

Do you acknowledge Islamic terrorism has grown exponentially under Obama?

Can't you see the thorough his deep antisemitism here and its impact on Israel?
"Charles krauthammer-iranian-ayatollahs-chants-death-to-america-but-obama-attacks-israel-"
Terrorism expert Steve Emerson: “we have an administration that's in bed with these radical Islamic groups
"Former CIA official:  Obama has switched sides"
see the plethora of evidence: Israel
Do you recall how Jerusalem was booed at the 2012 democratic convention?

Do you acknowledge HILLARY is just as anti Israel! Hillary's top aid is Muslim brotherhood, Hillary took millions from terrorist nations while Secr State,  and documenting her long anti israel career except when she ran for NY Senate. etc. Takes money from many evil nations, including Iran As President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry close in on a nuclear deal with Iran, it's worth remembering that the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation received money from "a front for the government of Iran" called the Alavi Foundation.

Do you acknowledge we have had, under Obama, huge Islamic terror infiltration in our government?

Do you acknowledge IRS to be used to persecute pro israel groups?

Do you acknowledge he's gutting our military as China, Russia and Islamic terrorism expand?

If Obama’s six years in office teach us anything, it is that he is impervious to appeals to good sense. Quite the contrary. Even respectful suggestions from supporters that he behave in the traditions of American presidents fill him with angry determination to do it his way.For Israel, the consequences will be intended. Those who make excuses for Obama’s policy failures — naive, bad advice, bad luck — have not come to grips with his dark impulses and deep-seated rage.

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