
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Obama loves terrorist leaders, now meets with Castro

"Two years ago, Cuba got caught trying to smuggle 240 metric tons of weapons, plus missile-launching radar systems and two MiG-21 aircraft, to North Korea via the Panama Canal aboard the ship Chong Chun Gang.
Confronted with what was the largest single violation of UN sanctions against North Korea, the Castro government claimed the armaments were being sent to Pyongyang for “repair and return.”
The fact is, Cuba has done nothing to earn the legitimacy President Obama is so eager to bestow. It should come with a price tag — not as a gift."

Amazing. Obama warmly greets Raul Castro and meets with him for an hour. Obama genuflects to Iran and virtually splays himself on the ground while Iran's Supreme Leader chants "Death to America" and calls America's deal summary a lie. Yet, who is Obama intentionally snubbing and undermining Israel and Netanyahu. Yet, Obama is just being who he really is: a radical, anti-American, racist, anti-Semite

called Erdogan one of his favorite foreign leaders

Obama loves terrorist leaders, despises strong Democratic leaders
1. He sent secret envoy to mullahs before elected in 2008 and promised them they'd like his presidency
2. In front of mike he thought off in 2012, told Russian president Medvidev he's be "more flexible" after he won
3. Backed Muslim brotherhood leader Morsi for Egypt leaders, even though Morsi says Jews descended from apes and pigs
4. Meets with evil Castro and praised by him today
5. Dictator Chavez of Venezuala dies. Obama? By Jennifer Rubin March 6, 2013
A dictator dies. He’s persecuted Jews, denied basic civil liberties and acted as a banker for the Iranian regime. What does the president say? “Sic semper tyrannis. After the welcome news of Hugo Chavez’s death, I hope that the oppressed people of Venezuela will be able to live in freedom, not under miserable tyranny. I look forward to working in the House to promote a free, democratic, and pro-American government in Venezuela.”
Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez died Tuesday- Ariana Cubillos / The Associated Press
No, no that’s from a freshman congressman, Rep. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.)
Our president actually says something so meaningless it is impossible to decipher whether he thought Chavez was a friend or foe: “At this challenging time of President Hugo Chavez’s passing, the United States reaffirms its support for the Venezuelan people and its interest in developing a constructive relationship with the Venezuelan government. As Venezuela begins a new chapter in its history, the United States remains committed to policies that promote democratic principles, the rule of law, and respect for human rights.”
A joke? No, that is all he could or would muster on the demise of one of the most noxious figures in the hemisphere who was infamous for his support for Iran and other rogue regimes and domestic repression. President Obama never bothered to mention Chavez’s deplorable record of trying to meddle in and destabilize democratic governments. And then there was his support for terrorist groups. But if you didn’t know better (and perhaps you do), you’d think Obama was indifferent on the domestic and international misdeeds of the tyrant.
6. Obama names Turkey’s Erdoğan among top five international friends even though Erdogan consistently attacks jews and judaism. Here he is so friendly with him.
Our traditional friends? His main anger at international leadrs is directed regulatory at Israel's. First act in office was sending back Churchill's bust to England. But then again, his dinner companions 20 years ago were pro Palestinian radical terrorist Rashid Khalidi and Edward Said.

Which ones are Obama's friends?

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