
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Obama's betrayals of Israel, updated almost daily

Wow, what a great friend.  from World Jewish Digest
Not two weeks after he told Tom Friedman that his presidency will be a "failure" if his policies make Israel less safe, President Obama made two jaw-dropping statements over the weekend that makes one wonder whether he is a different definition of "safe" than everyone else.
First, Obama told reporters that he was "surprised" Russian had held off so long on supplying Iran S-300 surface to air missiles, weapons that analysts say will make it much harder to strike Iran's nuclear facilities should the United States or Israel decide to do so. His statement comes after vociferous objection by Jerusalem over the sale and a threat by the Netanyahu government to sell arms to Ukrainian nationalists in retaliation.
Second, Israel's best friend hinted strongly that all sanctions on Iran will be lifted if and when a nuclear deal is signed with that country in June. It seems the United States had fudged the matter weeks back when a framework agreement had been announced, suggesting that the sanctions would be "phased out" as Iran met its obligations under the deal. The Iranians had immediately said that all sanctions must be lifted immediately for any deal to be signed and that the United States was lying when it said their would be any "phasing" of sanctions.
So let's get this straight. Israel's best friend, Mr. I Got Your Back, is now enthusiastically supporting Russia's missile sale to Iran (one even the Europeans are opposed to) and will lift all sanctions immediately as part of a nuclear deal with Iran. This will give the world's leading sponsor of terror cash, along with a fully operational nuclear infrastructure to wreak whatever havoc they wish on the world for generations to come.
President Obama must have a different definition of "friend" than everyone else, because these actions don't seem very friendly at all.

see much more evidence of Obama's pro jihadism at 

?. why is it so hard for everyone to admit Obama is pro jihad

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