
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Example of vicious Democratic attacks on Israel

Posted: 05 May 2015 01:30 PM PDT
(Paul Mirengoff)
Last night at a public hearing on the budget in Prince George’s County, Maryland, a flyer with the following headline was circulated:
From Baltimore to Jerusalem It’s the Same Game. In 10 years Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin sent 1.2 billion dollars of Maryland Federal taxpayer money to the Apartheid state of Israel to build schools, roads and other infrastructure while saying Maryland doesn’t have the money to help develop our communities.
The flyer goes on to attack the “Israel lobby,” which allegedly is using Black politicians to split the African-American vote so as to “ensure that Blacks don’t get political power in the Senate.” It also accuses “apartheid” Israel of training U.S. cops in how to “set up paramilitary police armies in minority neighborhoods. . .all across the [United States].” And it accuses Israel of sending Black Jews to prison camps and suppressing the birth rate of Black Jews.
You can read the hate-filled flyer is here.
Who circulated the flyer? Surely, it was supporters of Donna Edwards, the African-American congresswoman who is running against Van Hollen for the Senate. It would be interesting to hear what Edwards has to say about this attack on her rival and a sitting Democratic (Jewish) Senator.
Anti-Israel rants by Black radicals are nothing new; nor is Black anti-Semitism. But injecting them into a Democratic primary campaign via a publicly circulated flyer suggests that the anti-Israel, anti-Semitic Black left has become emboldened.
Why? Perhaps it’s because President Obama has been so eager to attack Israel, though not, of course, as viciously as Edwards’ supporters have. Israel bashing is now acceptable for left-wing Democratic officer holders.
But even absent Obama’s anti-Israel posture, such attacks were bound to come sooner or later. This sort of scapegoating — Black neighborhoods are in tatters in part because of the “Israel lobby” — is history’s rule, not its exception. As liberal policies continue to fail and the inner-city continues to crumble, these sorts of attacks will become increasing appealing to a core Democratic constituency.
I usually enjoy nasty battles among Democrats, but this one will be too ugly for that, even with popcorn.

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