
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Obama's America one day of horror by him

1. Not ONE MENTION of D-DAY, or the brave men who fought for our freedom. A freedom that enabled him to be sitting in the White House now...and disrespect them, their bravery and sacrifice.
This is what the jihadist talked about:

2. Cruz shames UN for anti israel bias, Obama keeps hinting he'll stop protecting israel in that cesspool

These few weeks we’ve been rolling in piles of media press releases telling us how much Obama loves Jews. David Axelrod informs us that he is a Jew. Jeffrey Goldberg berates Jews for being ungrateful to Obama.
After all that flattery, why would Jews think that Obama is anti-Israel? It might be little things like this.

Senior White House officials met this week with members of the left-wing NGO Breaking the Silence. The meeting, the first of its kind, dealt with testimonies that the organization had collected on alleged human-rights violations by the Israel Defense Forces during last summer’s war in Gaza.
Matt Duss, president of the Washington-based Foundation for Middle East Peace, organized the meeting between Breaking the Silence representatives and members of the White House National Security Council.
Duss’ work was described as filled with Jew-Hatred by the Simon Wiesenthal Center. The correct spelling of the Foundation for Middle East Peace is Saudi Arabia.

4. Obama following Alinsky plan perfectly to destroy America

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