
Monday, July 20, 2015

Hillary is a VERY DANGEROUS PERSON. Voting for Hillary is a sexist act. Can’t be for any valid reason.

Hillary is a VERY DANGEROUS PERSON. Voting for Hillary is a sexist act. Can’t be for any valid reason. 

1. totally corrupt Hillary raised 2 BILLION for her scam foundation, less than 10% goes to charity, the rest to finance their lavish lifestyle. Then she gives favors to dubious characters, including allowing Russian uranium to Iran. See how disgusting Democrats are ignoring this and picking on Rubio for having a mortgage.

needs to be charged with 5 crimes

2. scandal after scandal  obviously took bribes as Secr. of State from Arabs and Iranian traffickers. Hillary raised 2 BILLION for her scam foundation, less than 10% goes to charity, the rest to finance their lavish lifestyle. Then she gives favors to dubious characters, including allowing 20% of US Uranium ran. See how disgusting Democrats are ignoring this and picking on Rubio for having a mortgage.    Follow Arab bribery money Takes money from Arab terrorist nations, even as Secr. State. ttp://

3. She committed Email felonies ttp://

4. Benghazi

5. Totalitarian tendencies 

6.  Radical 
another Alinskyite

7. Incompetent

8. Her best defense “you can’t prove I’m a crook” 7. ://

9. Pro ISLAMIC TERROR/anti Israel

a. Capitulated to Islamic terrorists  

b. Her Long held pro Islamic jihad views/anti Israel views ttp://

c. has long history anti-Israel views,   +

d. Apologetics for Hamas terrorism

e. Her top aid is Muslim brotherhood family . Ready for valerie Jarett again?

10. Secr. of State was architect of Obama’s catastrophic foreign policy 

11. Blacks, do you know she lives in segregated community (1.9% Blacks) 

12. Where is the $6 billion missing from State Dept durng her tenure? 

13. We don’t even begin to understand the depths of Hillary’s depravity, corruption, lying, pro jihadism, anti Israel policies,and incompetency,? 

14.  Why do so many Clinton connected people  a partial list of a large number of persons who who are presumed to be "Casualties of the Clintons 

15. No positive accomplishments

16. She has deep ties to the very dangerous George Soros billionaire

17. One of women Bill raped says Hillary should never be president. "

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