
Friday, July 3, 2015

Iran keeps upping ante knowing Obama is desperate for a deal.

Iran keeps upping ante knowing Obama is desperate for a deal.

Of course. They know Obama is desperate for any deal. He wants Iran to be the dominant power in the region. Our jihadist president is going to force this catastrophic deal on us and congress probably will cave. A nightmare.

Iran takes hard line on inspections, sanctions at nuke talks
18 hours ago
VIENNA (AP) — Iran took a hard line Thursday on two of the biggest demands of world powers in a final nuclear accord, rejecting any extraordinary inspection rules and threatening to ramp up enrichment of bomb-making material if the United States and other countries re-impose sanctions after the deal is in place

1. As Iran chanted death to America and Israel, and our own State department yesterday proclaimed iran is expanding worldwide terrorism,  Obama keeps giving them more and more concessions and will make a deal no matter what with  WORST nation on earth.
2. why does he so desperately want the deal?  50 examples showing his diplomatic jihadism actions
3. Obama's many Lies about Iran deal and Islam 
Iran has continually rejected most of the concessions it reportedly agreed to undertake. Top Iranian leaders are describing the framework as a ‘lie’ and announced that international nuclear inspectors will not be permitted to enter any of its contested military sites.
a. LIE of Obama "Iran can be successful regional power in compliance with our norms of behavior" even as his own state dept. June 2015 said they continue their radical terrorism outreach
b. LIE "99.9% Muslims want want we want." 81% support isis in recent poll
c. LIE "Iran can be counted on to abide by agreements" they have violated every one
d. LIE"Inspectors can verify compliance". Iran says they will not be allowed in.  Iran has consistently lied to UN, ignored their sanctions and decrees, hid their programs. Verification is impossible with them
 Can Iran compliance be verified? NO!
e. LIE"This deal will guarantee Iran won't get bomb"  It guarantees them the bomb
f. LIE My sanctions hampered their efforts.
g. LIE"They have fawta vs use nuclear bomb"  None exists
h. LIE"Their faith precludes use of nuclear bomb"  wronmhg
i.LIE "I will protect Israel" He continues to weaken and undermine Israel. Israel asks that at least Iran be forced to accept Israel’s right to exist. Obama blows him off.  Can Israel depend on Obama’s assurances?
j.LIE We and Iran agree on the terms of the deal
 The Iran and US can’t agree on what was agreed.
 Iran’s president called all this negotiation ‘diplomatic JIHAD”.

Obama lies by omission about Iran deal
k. His top aids :Kerry, Valarie Jarett, Susan Rice have deep ties to Iran
l. Iran's ongoing spread of terrorism on 5 continents
m. Iran's ongoing talk of destroying Israel and USA
n. Iran's ICBM and submarine programs
o. His extensive, long enduring Islamic support and fraternizing with terrorists
p, Sending secret envoy before 2008 election promising mullahs they'd like his presidency, Hde had this planned all along
q. Obama  and lackeys lies when say Netanyahu offers no alternatives

      Iran Deal: Holocaust In 2026 -
"So the basic tradeoff achieved by Secretary of State John Kerry in the talks with Iran boils down to this: Iran has to watch its step for ten years. Then all bets are off. A year later, bombs away! "
7.    Wall Street Journal “The truth, contrary to the President, is that the critics of his Iran framework do not want war. But they also don’t want a phony peace to lead to a nuclear Middle East that leads to a far more horrific war a decade from now.
8.    The rest of the Middle East (non Iranian stooges) are OPPOSED to this diplomatic jihad.
9.     This will inevitably lead to war. It is a terrible deal.
10.  Further weakens America

World Jewish Digest today

The Obama administration has been nothing if not inconsistent in its dealings with Iran.
Lee Smith in Tablet details how the Obama administration has consistently caved in to Iranian demands, to the point where it now has strayed far from its original goals in negotiations.
The White House has attacked critics of the deal by pointing out that any negotiation is a give and take, but the deal currently being negotiated serves entirely Iranian interests and not American ones.
There was a time when the administration was intent on dismantling the Iranian nuclear program. As John Kerry said in December 2013, the U.S. imposed sanctions on Iran “because we knew that it would hopefully help Iran dismantle its nuclear program. That was the whole point of the regime.”
Today, the administration is not talking about dismantling anything. The whole point of the deal, as the White House sees it, is simply to extend Iran’s break-out time to a year, which won’t really be a year, according to the administration, but is still somehow a useful round number.
It used to be that the White House wasn’t going to let Iran enrich any uranium at all. As former National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said in April 2012, “Our position is clear: Iran must live up to its international obligations, including full suspension of uranium enrichment as required by multiple UN Security Council resolutions.”
However the Joint Plan of Action in November 2014 acknowledged Iran’s right to enrich uranium.
And on and on and on.

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