
Sunday, July 19, 2015

Lobbying vs this catastrophic deal must be our # priorty and make it # for Congress

Got an hour to fight Iran deal? Create a tweet of 130 characters or so. Go to this list. in one name at a time (last name usually suffices) on and find them. Example
Left side of page allows tweet. Tweet each Democratic senator. Here is mine but it is not very politic, I'm just so mad.

MY tweet: "Catastrophic, genocidal Iran deal based on Obama/Kerry’s mountain of LIES, deception, obfuscation, threats, anti-Semitism.  15 refuted here"

This genocidal deal with Iran is worse than anyone imagined and endangers the world

The vote on Iran may well be the most consequential vote these Senators and Congressman ever have. It could mean the difference of Iranian ICBMs with nuclear tips hitting NY, dirty bombs in 20 cities, 7 million dead Israelis, worldwide Iranian terror proxies on 5 continents now, with $150 billion more to finance terror, countless dead US servicemen etc. I could not legitimately say any Senator or Congressman who supports this deal can ever call themselves pro-Israel again. They should never get one vote from a patriot, nor one dime. They will be forever shamed and this will be their legacy. Share that message with your representatives.. Every Israeli leader, the many Sunni nations in the region, millions of Christians and every Jewish organization except the traitorous Jstreet oppose this catastrophic deal.

This is NOT a case of 2 Jews, 3 opinions. The Torah says “I put before you life and death, good and evil, blessing and curse. There is Hitlerian evil here and MUST be fought with every ounce of our strength. Be strong and resolute.
This a extremely dangerous deal that increases the chance for war, even WW3, worldwide terrorism, real threats of nuclear bombs in the USA, destruction of Israel, massive new arms race in the region and much more. Congress MUST understand this. This deal pours gasoline of wildfire spreading ruin throughout world.
35 fatal, catamstrophic flaws of the deal
Campaign to block this deal

Major points
1. As Iran chants Death to USA and Israel, Obama gives them $150 billion to accelerate their world’s worst terrorism already on 5 continents, especially surrounding Israel. Obama thereby becomes biggest financier of Islamic terrorism in the world. They are WORST nation on earth. Even as we negotiate, our own State Dept says Iran global terror undiminished.
2. Deal eliminates any limits on buying or selling conventional weapons including ICMBs designed to hit USA
3. Deal gives them clear path to nuclear weapons with Iran’s nuclear infrastructure intact; key aspects of the deal “sunset” after as little as 10 years;
4. Iran always has cheated and verification is not possible with this deal. 24 DAYS notice before inspections!!!
5. Deal will lead to a regional nuclear arms race. And makes war much more likely
6. Much better ways have been articulated, despite Obama’s lies that they have not.
7. See 36 fatal flaws of the Iran deal exposed in this video
8. Israeli Ambassador Dermer responded to critical voices such as British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond and Obama, who suggested this week Israel does not want any deal with Iran and prefers war. Writes Dermer: "Israel has the most to gain if the Iranian nuclear issue is peacefully resolved. But this deal does not resolve the issue. It makes things much worse, increasing the chances of conventional war with Iran and its terror proxies today and dramatically increasing the chances of a nuclear-armed Iran and a nuclearized Middle East tomorrow." Obama has been planning this since 2008 when he sent secret envoy to Mullahs to tell them they’d like his presidency.
9. Tyrannical Obama AFRAID to submit to congress so plans end run around them to anti-Israel UN. TYRANT.

Lobby your Senator and House member.
all you need to do is find your state on the US map and click

Please take action today and everyday for the next 2 months, by contacting your members of Congress and urging them to oppose this unacceptable agreement.
If you know them personally, visit or call them.
If not, go to their local office and lobby.
Write a lot of letters.
Ok but not great-email them

Sample letter

Dear Senator/Congressman,
     The deal presented yesterday in Vienna falls short of its intentions to make the United States, Israel and our allies safer. In fact, we believe this agreement will do the opposite.
We can, and we must, do better. The fate of 7 million Jews in Israel, prevention of terrorism everywhere and ultimately the safety of the USA, depends on us!

Do you want your historical legacy to be one of a few Senators or Congressman who turned over billions to Iran so they could furnish Hamas with weapons to kill thousands of Jews, Christians, Muslims? Iran has painted a target on the back of every US soldier and killed 1000 already? You want to hand them $150 billion to kill more? You want to help them get ICBM's to launch nuks at USA? Anyone who supports this Iran bill will FOREVER be known as an appeaser of this worst nation on earth.

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