
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A summary of main inherent flaws of the Iran deal

a. a joke of verification, and Iran has always cheated in the past. So Obama, who can’t monitor our borders, the IRS, VA, capable of monitoring Iran’s secret nuclear sites? 24 days notice before inspections allowed and they can supply their own samples.…/obama-will-allow-ir…
b. $150 billion straight out to finance terror, and hundreds billions more in new business. With the release of $150 billion of frozen funds, Iranian troops and proxies "will have an ability to be everywhere simultaneously."
c. leaves intact most of their nuclear weapons program,
d. Obama FOUGHT Congress on tough sanctions constantly and now eliminates them, and will never reimpose them (no snapback) no matter what
e. much details Obama refuses to share plus hidden side agreements,…/report-unclassified-iran-docum…/
f. a legitimization of their nuclear weapons timetable
g. Iran says Obama is lying about what the plan demands to appease us. Here are 15 Obama lies about deal refuted:…/refuting-many-lies-…
h. We got fleeced. Iranians are laughing at us. See full list of our defeat in every category:…/i…/Iran/irandealmf.pdf
i. French admit we can have a much better deal. Vote this one down.…/top-french-official…
j. Obama/Kerry LYING claiming Israeli intelligence backs the deal.
k. Iran will work to destroy us
m. Kerry/Jarrett deep Iranian, anti Israel views
Kerry son-in-0law Iranian, best man at wedding was son of xItran chief negotiator
Jarrett born in Iran, speaks Farsi
n. Israel is not alone on vs deal. Arab nations too.

Why is the Iran deal so horrible and ways to lobby.
Obama’s central worldview
     Iran is a monstrous regime, as bad as any that ever existed. Iran is laughing at us. Proclaiming USA surrendered.  This deal GUARANTEES Iran acquiring nuclear weapons, makes war much more likely and massive deaths. We are facing another Holocaust, PLUS hundreds of suitcase sized dirty bombs blowing up American cities by Iranian proxies and ICBMs Obama’s $150 billion will buy them to shoot at us. 
     What about “Death to American, Death to Israel" is not comprehensible? They WILL their nuks (soon if they cheat 10 years under the plan) use them to 1. reestablish the Persian Empire and 2. for religious reasons, to have the necessary catastrophe to have the hidden 12th Imam emerge. They have said regularly they are willing to suffer catastrophic losses for these “honors” 
If you want to read more than what isn here about how awful they are and all the lies Obama is telling
     The GOAL of the International Community must be to forever PREVENT Iran from ever obtaining weapons and curbing their terrorism. But this deal significantly enhances both
     Why is the Iran deal so horrible? A summary of its inherent flaws.
a. No real VERIFICATION b. $150 billion straight out to finance terror, and hundreds billions more in new business c. leaves intact most of their nuclear weapons program d. Obama FOUGHT Congress on tough sanctions constantly and now eliminates them, e. much details Obama refuses to share plus hidden side agreements f. a legitimization of their nuclear weapons timetable g. Iran says Obama is lying about what the plan demands to appease us. G. Endangers USA h. We got fleeced. Iranians are laughing at us. i. French admit we can have a much better deal. j. Obama/Kerry LYING claiming Israeli intelligence backs the deal.

Why Is Obama pushing this deal? Only one plausible reason.
Obama promotes radical Islamic jihad and empower Iran
Defeat this catastrophe. Stop Obama from his deadly plan. LOBBY: call, email, visit, letters to congress. 45 days. 
Instructions to easily CALL< WRITE< EMAIL< TWITTER< VISIT


1 comment:

  1. You might want to include the Paragraph 36 "Get out of Jail Free Card" []
    But look on the bright side, according to 5.1.3 [] we will soon be flooded with Iranian pistachios, carpets (flying or stationary?) and caviar. That's a sharp stick in the eye to California, relief of the pressure on the Columbia River sturgeon; plus lots of cheesy overly busy wall hanging for the wealthy. Compared with that the "Deal's" flaws are trivial
