
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Obama plan to radicalize America with Islamic jihadists

Obama plan to radicalize America with Islamic jihadists
a. flooding nation with Muslim terrorists
b. but REFUSES to allow in Christians fleeing for their lives
c.allows 22 jihadist training camps inside USA
d. Massive Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of government at obama's directives
e. weaken local police through racial tension and gutting our military leaving us unprepared
f.Force pro israel Dems out of Party.
g. Weaken our economy severly to create unrest Domestic: Under Obama 6 ½ years: 1.Record poverty 2. More businesses going out of business than being created 3. Middle class lost average $5000 wealth 4. Record poor “recovery from recession” 5. Obama, Barney Frank and Dems caused 2008 recession, not Bush 6. Obamacare cost 3x promise. Over 2.7 trillion 7. Record black unemployment 8. Record food stamps 8. Record low participation in labor market 9. Stock market artificially boosted by massive printing of money 10. Exacerbating racial tension 11. Obama DOUBLED ALL previous US debt by 43 presidents 12. Demagogues to scare away any changes which are needed to save Social Security and Medicare for our children 13. Massive illegal immigration and no security on our borders 14. Over 50% recent college grads no full time jobs 15. Chief Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber admitted it was sold to us packed with lies they knew about but hid from us 16. Murder rates skyrocketing in major cities as Obama fuels racial tension and anti police 17. Record food stamp use 18. Obama flooding nation with Muslim terrorists19. Dem war on women.  record low women in labor force,
20. Massive Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of government at obama's directives 21. Lie after lie, scandal after scandal 22. Massive Dem voter fraud

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