
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The anti-Semitic drive to silence Schumer on the Iran deal

The anti-Semitic drive to silence Schumer on the Iran deal

Anti-Semitism is all over the drive to make Chuck Schumer shut up about his opposition to the Iran nuke deal.
The lefty site Daily Kos posted a cartoon showing Schumer with an Israeli flag and calling him a “traitor.”
MoveOn argues that “our country doesn’t need another Joe Lieberman in the Senate,” a reference to Connecticut’s ex-senator — who, like Schumer, is Jewish.
White House buddy Fareed Zakaria waved at anti-Semitic stereotypes, saying Schumer’s motive is just “money” — “If he were to support President Obama on this, if he were to support this deal, he knows it would create a firestorm of opposition, particularly among, perhaps, you know, wealthy supporters.”
Of course, Obama himself griped about pressure from “lobbyists” — i.e., Jewish and pro-Israel activists — spending “tens of million of dollars” to stop the deal. He reportedly blamed “the pro-Israel community” for stirring up a fight.
The dual-loyalty smear popped up even before Schumer came out against the deal. A New York Times editorial, for one, talked of the “unseemly spectacle of lawmakers siding with a foreign leader” — Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu — against Obama.
In fact, it’s Obama who’s siding with foreign leaders: Iran’s. At least Israel’s an ally.
Schumer still seems to think he can appease the deal’s supporters by not pushing aggressively for its defeat.
It won’t work. Schumer made a potent case against the deal last week — warning, above all else, that it hands at least $50 billion to an Iranian regime that’s likely to become even more hard-line.
He also rightly sees this as paving the way for Iran to get nukes via a US-approved process. How is that not a life-or-death matter?
Sorry, senator: There’s no excuse for not doing everything — everything — possible to stop this madness. And, as the anti-Semitic attacks and other threats suggest, pulling your punches won’t buy you any love from the pro-deal zealots.
Schumer’s long dreamed of becoming Senate leader. Now’s his chance to show leadership, stand up for what he says are his beliefs, convince fellow senators to nix the deal — and head off a nuclear Iran.

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