
Friday, August 7, 2015

The debate questions need to be much stronger. We must hear answers from the candidates on the following 4 questions

Fox next time ask these questions . The debates need to be much stronger. These would have been much better at finding out who would be best to run vs Dem nominee and rule Under the last 6 1/2 years of Obama, the following devastating things have happened to USA and the world. Do you agree and how would you address them? Under Obama 6 ½ years: 1. It was not Bush, but Democrats caused the recession of 2008 with them forcing housing loans through banks to people they knew were very risky, collapsing the housing market? 2. Record poverty? 3. Doubling all previous US debt? 4.Middle class wealth losses? 5. Growing inequality rich and poor? 6.38 year record % not in labor force? 7. Staggering Black unemployment? 8. Increased racial tension? 9.IRS abuse of opponents? 10.VA scandal? 11.More businesses going out of business than being created?. 12.Record poor “recovery from recession” US economy sees the slowest wage growth ever recorded? 13.Obamacare cost 3x promise. Over 2.7 trillion? 14.Massive illegal immigration and no security on our borders and unwilling to stop violent crimes by illegals? 15.Over 50% recent college grads no full time jobs? 16. Chief Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber admitted it was sold to us packed with lies they knew about but hid from us? Murder rates skyrocketing in major cities? 17. Record food stamp use? 18.ISIS not slowed at all? ISIS has not been weakened at all because obama is pretend fighting them? AlQuyida at record strength? . 19 Obama flooding nation with Muslims? 20.Obama wants Iran to be the regional power despite it being worst nation on earth? 21. Our military being gutted and weakened? 22.His unrelenting hatred of Israel? 23. Incidents of anti-Semitism around the world at its highest levels since the Holocaust? 24. decapitation on US streets by Muslim? 25. shootings at unarmed soldiers at Army recruitment centers? 26. Muslim terrorism growing all over the world? 27.tries to curb religious freedom? . 28. He abandons our ¬allies, appeases tyrants, coddles ¬adversaries and uses the Crusades as an excuse for inaction as Islamist terrorists slaughter their way across the Mideast. 29. Women have suffered terribly under Obama and the Democats because of all the above, less jobs, lower wages, higher medical premiums 30 Do you agree Hillary is the same radical Alinskyite as obama is? jobs 31. Massive job killing new federal regulations killing jobs

Another way: We must here from the
candidates the following: 4 questions only
RNC If Fox is not up to it, find a different way.

Question 1:Do you agree the Democratic party has done the following under the 6 1/ 2 years of Obama/Biden/Hillary/Kerry
Hand the list in advance. Give them 3 minutes each uninterrupted to go through it. Its only 30 minutes and we need to see who can best articulate the answers.
Under Obama 6 ½ years: TRUE OR FALSE?
It was not Bush, but Democrats caused the recession of 2008 with them forcing housing loans through banks to people they knew were very risky, collapsing the housing market? Record poverty? Doubling all previous US debt? Middle class wealth losses? Growing inequality rich and poor? 38 year record % not in labor force? Staggering Black unemployment? Increased racial tension? IRS abuse of opponents? VA scandal? More businesses going out of business than being created?. Record poor “recovery from recession” US economy sees the slowest wage growth ever recorded5? Obamacare cost 3x promise. Over 2.7 trillion? Massive illegal immigration and no security on our borders and unwilling to stop violent crimes by illegals? Over 50% recent college grads no full time jobs? Chief Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber admitted it was sold to us packed with lies they knew about but hid from us? Murder rates skyrocketing in major cities? Record food stamp use? ISIS not slowed at all? AlQuyida at record strength? Obama flooding nation with Muslims? ISIS has not been weakened at all because obama is pretend fighting them? Obama wants Iran to be the regional power despite it being worst nation on earth? Our military being gutted and weakened? His unrelenting hatred of Israel? Incidents of anti-Semitism around the world at its highest levels since the Holocaust? Massive surge of Muslim immigration here? decapitation on US streets? shootings at unarmed soldiers at Army recruitment centers? Muslim terrorism growing all over the world? withering our military? politicizes the Justice Department? spies on journalists? tries to curb religious freedom? inflames race relations? He abandons our ¬allies, appeases tyrants, coddles ¬adversaries and uses the Crusades as an excuse for inaction as Islamist terrorists slaughter their way across the Mideast. Now he’s coming for Israel. Obama has always and does, HATE Israel. The rest is diplomatic jihad from him

2. To understand Obama’s catastrophic Iran deal, Isis, terrorism growth, devastating US economy etc, and so much about why he does what he does, this is what you need to know. Very simple. 2 things. Do you believe
Obama is a radical, Islamic jihadist who carefully utilizes diplomatic jihad to achieve his goals as well as a Alynskiite radical with this agenda as Ben Carson (about Alinsky) said in the debate..
Goals: weaken military, inflame divisons, increase poverty, harass opponents, take away guns, limit freedom, increase government etc.

3. Do you believe #HillarysameasObama
Hillary is the same Alinskyite, same anti israel, same pro Islamic terrorism. Voting for her we get the same thing as

4. What are your solutions to fix this deep mess we are in and why are you best suited to do it?

See many, many articles proving all the above these are the ridiculous questions megan asked trump.

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