
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Excommunication for Jewish kapos in Congress who vote for this perfidious deal

How to react to Jews in Congress who vote for the catastrophic iran deal? Excommunication.

1. The Talmud differentiates between good debates, arguments sustained by God, and perfidious debates. It gives as an example of a good debate that between the schools of thought of Hillel and Shamai, who were trying to discern God’s will, and that of a perfidious debate, Korah, who wanted to weaken and undermine Moses and Israel. (1)
2. This is not a good debate. The members of Congress voting to support this catastrophic deal are all members of Obama’s party, and some have taken Iranian bribes, as did Biden, Kerry, Hillary, and at least 4 senators, (2) and/or simply doing it because they are afraid of incurring Obama and party leaders’ wrath. Ask your local journalists to investugate if your Kapo rep took Iranian $ as kapo Sen./comedian Franken D-Minn did. (bribes). These Jews voting for this deal, either delusional about its benefits, or know full well it will lead to the death of many Jews, perhaps millions, as well as lead to war, a massive increase in terrorism, still vote for it. This deal is opposed by US generals and Admirals 214-36, Israel pop 7-1 and every political party in Israel except the Arabs, and stlll they vote for it? last week's torah ended with (parahrased) "remember what the pernicious Amalek did as you left Egypt, fighting in the terrorist way. Blot out their memory."
3. Who are the Jews voting for the genocidal Iran deal?
So far as i know today,
Senate (9 Democrats, 1 Independent)
Michael Bennet (D-CO)?
Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)?
KAPO Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)?
KAPO Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
KAPOAl Franken (D-MN)
KAPOBrian Schatz (D-HI)
KAPOBernard Sanders (I-VT)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)?
(18 Democrats, 1 Republican)
David Cicilline (D-RI)?
KAPOStephen Cohen (D-TN)
KAPOSusan Davis (D-CA)
Lois Frankel (D-FL)?
Alan Grayson (D-FL)?
KAPO Sander Levin (D-MI)
KAPOAlan Lowenthal (D-CA)
KAPOJerrold Nadler (D-NY)
Jared Polis (D-CO)? still undeclared
KAPO Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
KAPO Adam Schiff (D-CA)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) - Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL-23), who is the chair of the DNC, ... blocked consideration of a resolution backing the Nuclear Iran Deal, but still undeclared
KAPOJohn Yarmuth (D-KY)
The Jews doing the right thing
Senator MENTCHCharles Schumer (D-NY)
MentchLee Zeldin (R-NY)
MENTCHNita Lowey (D-NY)
MENTCHBrad Sherman (D-CA)
MENTCHTed Deutch (D-FL)
MENTCHEliot Engel (D-NY)
MENTCHSteve Israel (D-NY)
Democrats in Congress. Every Nazi’s main excuse was "I was just following orders". How is that different than any of these Democrats saying "I am voting for a deal guaranteeing the worst terrorist nation on earth nuclear weapons because I am just following my president." ALL BLOOD RESULTING FROM THIS IRAN DEAL, all the dead Israelis and Americans, will forever be the responsibility of Obama, Kerry and these Democrats who support the bill. God will someday say to you just as He said to Cain after killing his brother: God asked him where Abel is. Abel asked "am I my brother's keeper? God said: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? Your brother's blood cried to you from the ground."
What to do with them? Only one thing for these people aiding and abetting Iran’s terrorism and genocidal plans. Excommunication/Harem.
Excommunication referred to in the Torah as herem. No Jew should ever talk to, support in any way these people and work hard to defeat them so they should never again hold office

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