
Friday, November 27, 2015

Leftist/Obama/Democrat LIES are the basis of the economy wrecking agenda for the Climate Change Conference

Leftist/Obama/Democrat LIES are the basis of the economy wrecking agenda for the Climate Change Conference
Obama is willing to create world-wide depression and make it impossible for poor African nations to ever get out of poverty, through imposition of draconian economy busting new environmental regulations for the small chance that oceans will not rise 1/10 of an inch 200 years from now. And that is supposed to scare Isis how?
Lies include
1. 97% of scientists agree
2. The world is heating up
3. Climate change, if any, is the result of human activity
4. The fool Bernie Sanders is now seriously asserting that Islamic terrorism is caused by climate change and Obama suggested that his attending the conference is a rebuke to Isis!
The purpose of the leftist climate change agenda is to make their cronies wealth, redistribute earned wealth, and destroy USA economy with ridiculous demands on emissions
And more at…/
When market forces make alternate energy sources efficient and nore productive, world economies will embrace them. Until then it is a ruse to weaken USA, enrich Al Gore etc., and take our eye off the ball of iran, Isis, Obama's radicalism etc.

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