
Saturday, December 26, 2015

Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt dangerous person ever to run for Pre...

Top 10 reasons Hillary is the MOST CORRUPT, INCOMPETENT and DANGEROUS person ever to run for president. Pathological liar, Felony email crimes, amoral, out of control anger, stupid statements, war on women, 8o dead associates who crossed her, scandal after scandal, appeases and abets Islamic radical terrorism, long anti-Iisrael views, world collapsed on her watch as Secr. State, radical economic views (thesis on mentor Alinsky), emotionally unstable, sold out country repeatedly so Bill could get higher speaker fees. Sources for all these points below the outline that follows
1. PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. Most Americans think she is a LIAR by poll, because she lies all the time. A. Prime example clearly is Benghazi when we now know she KNEW immediately Benghazi was an organized terrorist attack, which she told her daughter and at least 2 world leaders, but LIED to the Public, saying it was a spontaneous action based on a video. B. Lied about being in sniper fire. C. Lied about being poor when she was very wealthy D. Lied about being named for sir Hillary when he was AFTER she was born E. She lies habitually
2. IF SHE IS NOT INDICTED, it is because FBI Director reports to radical Attorney General who answers to Obama. EMAIL FELONIES/JEOPARDIZED US SECURITY: Violated rules by having own server, lied about it, then deleted all emails after congress asked for them.
3. Completely AMORAL
a. That she was Fired During The Watergate Investigation. As her supervisor at the time put it, “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”
b. Laughed about getting child rapist acquitted and passing polyc. LAUGHS OFF supporter wanting to CHOKE Carly Fiorina. So physical abuse of women is ok?
c. The Constant scandals – including the opening up of 900 confidential FBI files of political opponents – cast Hillary in a suspicious light. Nothing was proven, but you know how that goes. “‘Whitewater-gate,’ ‘Cattle-gate,’ ‘Jenifer Flowers-gate,’ ‘Nanny-gate,’ ‘Lincoln bedroom-gate,’ ‘Travel-gate,’ ‘Trooper-gate,’ ‘File-gate,’ ‘Paula Jones-gate,’ ‘Vince Foster-gate’, ‘Helicopter-gate,’ ‘White House Coffee-gate,’ ‘Web Hubbell Hush Money-gate,’ ‘Pardon-gate,’ ‘Illegal Gift-Gate,’ ‘Monica-gate,’ ‘Benghazi-gate,’ ‘Email-gate,’ ‘Wiped Server-gate,’
d. Is it just a coincidence that over 80 associates of the Clintons who did something that troubled them, ended up dead? How many did she have killed?
4. The many stupid and wrong things she says:
5. WAR vs WOMEN. Organizing effort to discredit the many women complaining about Bill's predatory behavior to advance his career. , as well as paying women on her staff far below wages to men. The most BRUTAL ABUSERS OF WOMEN & CHILDREN RIGHTS. Iran & Saudi Arabia & Brunel have BEHEADED OVER 30 WOMEN IN 2015. They stand in line like pigs at a feeding trough slopping up ever $$$$$$$ they can. A disgrace to humanity..
6. Why Islamic terrorists want her to win
A. When asked how the country could confront a new wave of hate and fear, Hillary’s response sounded less like that of a commander in chief than of a soothing self-help guru. "We've got to do everything we can to weed out hate and plant love and kindness," she told a crowd of several hundred???? Fight Isis with love and kindness?
B. She created Isis through her incompetent job as secretary of state.
C. Taliban claim credit for killing US soldiers in bomb attack (Dec. 22, 2015). Hillary claims Taliban not a threat.
D. Ties to Muslim brotherhood
e. . Pro Islamic jihad, anti Israel worldview Anti-Israel except when she is running for office. Her top aid is from terrorist family :Huma
f. Takes huge Arab $
A. The world COLLAPSED on her watch. Only accomplishments as Senator or Secretary of State were horrible

8. RADICAL Radical Domestic anti-growth political views. Her thesis was on Saul Alinsky, same influence as Obama had. eing mentored by Saul Alinsky, Rules for radicals, as Obama .Hillary voted the same as bernie 93% of time. She is a radical socialist. Her plans will bankrupt USA. Plans $1 trillion in new spending
9. UNSTABLE: Mentally unstable. Top aid confesses Hillary is unbalanced. +ANGER OUT OF CONTROL. Temperamentally unsuited. ANGER out of control,
10. Sold out country repeatedly so Bill could get higher speaking fees. Took and takes millions in “donations/bribes”from Arab countries as Secr. of State. Used her position to enrich her phony ‘charitable foundation” which is used primarily to finance the Clinton’s lavish lifestyle. Takes Arab $
1. a. b. just like Brian Williams e. emails
2. Email
6. a. B. c. d.
8. and
10. .

Hillary supporters must be mentally unstable or stupid

I noticed a driver looking for a parking space. I flagged the driver and pointed out a handicap parking space that was open and available. The driver looked puzzled, rolled down her window and said, "I'm not handicapped!" "Oh, I'm sorry," I said. "I saw your 'I'm Ready for Hillary' bumper sticker and just assumed that you suffer from a mental disorder." She screamed some nasty names at me. Boy! Some people don't appreciate it when you're just trying to help them out!
Hillary is the most evil, corrupt, treasonous, woman abusing person ever to run for President
1.     Hillary's campaign is absurd
a. Everything is great under Obama. I want to continue it.
b. Bring loads of unvettable Syrian rapefugees to USA
c. terror has nothing to do with Islam but best way to treat is to lots of love and kindness to terrorists
d. Our greatest enemies are Republicans, gun owners, business owners
e. Vote for me because i am a women, Forget the fact I am the most corrupt, dangerous, unethical, lying, treasonous person to ever run for president.

2.  Hillary’s treasonous activities
a. Benghazi is about hiding treason. See details about our weapons falling into enemy hands.
b.    In violation of law and instructions she had a private server which was hacked by our enemies and it contained over 1000 classified documents.
c.    Phony Clinton Foundation used to enrich them for personal purposes, whule she traded influence as Secr of State and potential president. Took millions from our enemies, gave uranium to Russia etc.
3.    Top 10 reasons Hillary is the MOST CORRUPT, INCOMPETENT and DANGEROUS person ever to run for president. Pathological liar, Felony email crimes, amoral, out of control anger, stupid statements, war on women, 8o dead associates who crossed her, scandal after scandal, appeases and abets Islamic radical terrorism, long anti-Israel views, world collapsed on her watch as Secr. State, radical economic views (thesis on mentor Alinsky), emotionally unstable, sold out country repeatedly so Bill could get higher speaker fees.…/hillary-clinton-is-… see video

4.    10 reasons why Islamic terrorists want Hillary to be president…/why-islamic-terrori…
5.    Hillary WAR ON WOMEN Bill assaulted: The issue about referencing Bill is that Hillary LED the attack and destroy campaign on the women Bill raped and assaulted when they complained. At least they weren’t killed as so many of those who crossed the Clintons’ have been.…/264988-bill-clinton-rape-accuser-hilla…Hillary’s war on women
6.    Hillary pathological liar: said she was named for Sir Hillary? Evaded sniper fire”, did Not tell Benghazi families cause of attack was video? Says no classified material on her illegal private server.

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