
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Why are the Democrats (following lead of Obama and Hillary) lying for and excusing Muslim atrocities and endangering us?

Why are the Democrats (following lead of Obama and Hillary) lying for and excusing Muslim atrocities and endangering us? Why do the Democrats want to endanger Americans by bringing in more Muslim refugees?   see expanded explanation of danger below NOTE 5


4 reasons:

1.      80% US Muslims vote Democratic

2.       Iran Lobby, while operating below the radar, runs the Democratic agenda

3.       Obama, with Muslim father and Muslim brotherhood brother, is pro jihad. Obama is a radical Islamic jihadist

               4. Hillary is all about maximizing profit for her phony foundation and has taken millions in bribes from jihadist nations + has very close ties to jihadists…/hillarys-anti-israe…


    NOTE 5

Truth: There is no such thing as Islamophobia. Fear of Muslims is rational

 From Nigeria to Egypt, from Iraq to Israel, from Mali to Paris, Islamic terrorist groups are massacring innocent people  As long as we in the West are not prepared to take Muslims at their word when they claim to be waging bloody jihad because it is their religious obligation, we have no chance of repelling the current onslaught on the West.     Rape, beheadings, terror, suicide bombers, stabbings, car rammings, 9-11, Paris, French train, Russian plane, forcing shariah, jihad, bestiality, pedophilia, over 40 attacks in USA since 9-11.\
     FACT: HUGE % of worldwide Muslims support violent jihad. Obama has done virtually zip to battle Isis in 18 months, made genocidal, catastrophic nuclear bomb deal with Iran, Imported 1.5 million Muslims to USA, 25% of whom support violent jihad. The Muslim student associations on college campuses and CAIR are both Muslim Brotherhood financed and sponsored
     Now Obama wants to import 100,000 unvettable refugees he euates to the pilgrims but , 80% of whom are military age men, and 20% of whom pledge loyalty to Isis (many of the others are al-Qaida, etc many of the rest support other terror groups. Brigitte Gabriel reports  “70% of American mosques are radicalized. (Huge # radicalized mosques in USA This week we learned they can get Syrian passports virtually impossible to detect as phony

.      Our central challenge? Liberals are delusional and Obama is a radical Islamic jihadist,  see link to 280+ examples

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