
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Clinton’s actions in the e-mail scandal clearly satisfy all five requirements necessary to sustain charges of mishandling classified material

Progression of Hillary’s lies about top secret emails exposed to our enemies:


Hillary’s laziness and selfishness exposed the lives of our top spies and our top secret strategy. She minimizes and lies about it. Unfit for dog catcher. Belongs in jail for treason. She has thousands of classified emails, some so top secret they cannot be released. These emails expose our top spies names and our top strategy. Intelligence assumes it was all penetrated by our enemies. Hillary's excuses in progression:

1. .Her first lie: “ I only carry I device so it was for convenience.. Pictures show up showing her with more than 1. Lie exposed. So she switches to

2. "there were no classified emails". Exposed as a lie. Claims they were mostly New York Times story. Total lie.

3. So 3rd lie. I did not send or received classified emails". exposed as a lie.

4. Then 4th lie. They were not marked classified. Turns out that does not matter and it is expected federal employees know the material that is classified.

5th lie: she was sent them. says therefore not her fault. Will be shown that is a lie but does not matter. Receiving them is enough.

     In complicity, to assist her, State is releasing the emails in drips and drabs and is withholding many for a month until after the early primaries, claiming delay was because of last week’s snowstorm!

     FBI has over 100 agents investigating her full time. This is not nothing, as she pretends.

Ken Cuccinelli, the former attorney general of Virginia, knows the laws regarding classified information firsthand. In his private practice, Cuccinelli defended a Marine lieutenant colonel court martialed on charges of possessing such information outside a secure facility. He says Clinton’s actions in the e-mail scandal clearly satisfy all five requirements necessary to sustain charges of mishandling classified material, and constitute a breach perhaps even more glaring than the one for which General David Petraeus was convicted.

IF SHE DOES NOT GET INDICTED, it is just because FBI is subordinate to Dept. of Justice which is subordinate to Obama

Hillary is the most corrupt, lying, immoral person ever to run for president. Her supporters are either stupid or mentally unstable. Bill always chose someone other than Hillary. Shouldn’t you?

scandal is besides the many many other lies and scandals of Hillary. Hillary is the most corrupt, lying, immoral person ever to run for president. Her supporters are either stupid or mentally unstable. Bill always chose someone other than Hillary. Shouldn’t you? vs.

10 reasons why Islamic terrorists want Hillary to be president

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