
Friday, March 18, 2016

Obama behind all the violent protests and upcoming riots vs Trump and Republicans

Obama behind all the violent protests and upcoming riots vs Trump and Republicans

1. His violent rhetoric inspires it


During his short time in the American mindset, Barack Obama has used violent rhetoric on several occasions to get his point across. His public use of use language is one of many firsts for this president. Here is a list that is sure to grow as time goes on.

1.  “Whose Ass To Kick”

Obama got very defensive when questioned about his inaction on the BP oil spill during an interview for American television on June 7, 2010 and said the following:

2. Bring a Gun to A Knife Fight

During a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania furndraising stop during the campaign on June 13, 2008, Obama echoed Sean Connery’s famous “Chicago Way” monologue during the election campaign.
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama told the audience. “Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

3. “Argue With Neighbors, Get In Their Face”

At another campaign stop on September 18, 2008, Obama advocated that his supporters “argue with [people], get in their faces”:

4. “I don’t want to quell anger… I’m angry!”

At the height of public resentment at bonuses being paid to Wall Street investment bankers, Obama said on March 30, 2009 that “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry. I’m angry.”
Although Obama did say he wanted to “channel our anger in a constructive way,” he did not specify how that anger would be channeled.

5. “Get out of the way”

On August 8, 2009, Obama lashed out at Republican critics of his handling of the economy.
“I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess. I don’t mind cleaning up after them, but don’t do a lot of talking.”

6. “Gearing up for a Fight”

During a weekly radio and television address on February 28, 2009, President Obama laid out his plan to reform healthcare in America. He also had a message to the special interests opposed to his agenda.
“I know they [the special interests and lobbyists] are gearing up for a fight as we speak. My message to them is this: so am I.”

7. “Hit Back Twice As Hard”

During the town hall meeting protests of the summer of 2009, Senior White House adviser David Axelrod and deputy chief of staff Jim Messina told Democrat Senators, “If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard.”
Although the quote is attributed to Messina, it has been tied to Obama and did come from an official top source in the Administration.

8. “Punish Our Enemies”

In a 2010 midterm campaign message to Latino voters, Obama urged Hispanics to “punish our enemies” by…. voting Democrat, of course. What were YOU thinking?  And who exactly is “our,” anyway?

9. Michelle: “Shake Them”

First Lady Michelle Obama has used violence in her public speeches as well. In a US$1,000 per person fundraising event on September 28, 2008, Michelle said, “I’m sure everyone in this room knows some trifling person who is not registered. You need to talk to them, those folks, and shake them. Tell them we don’t have time to play. Because the choice is clear. We know what we will get if Barack Obama doesn’t win.”

10. Michelle: “Shake Them” (Again)

Mrs. Obama apparently likes to tell people to “shake” others, as she repeated her use of the phrase “shake them” two years later during a campaign speech for the 2010 midterm elections.  Attempting to fire up her audience to get unregistered voters to participate, the First Lady said:
“We all need to find those folks who plan on sitting this one out because they think there’s nothing at stake, and we need to shake ’em up and tell them that they can’t vote just once and then hope for change to happen. They’ve got to vote all the time. We gotta shake them up, ladies.”

11 “Itching For A Fight”

In an attempt to show his Democrat Party that he did not “cave in” to Republicans on extending the Bush tax cuts, Obama told the party faithful on December 13, 2010:
I will be happy to see the Republicans test whether or not I’m itching for a fight on a whole range of issues,” Obama said last week. “I suspect they will find I am. And I think the American people will be on my side on a whole bunch of these fights.”
Obama repeated this phrase over and over again during many speeches. He also described the next two years of his administration’s relationship with the Republican-controlled Congress as a “fight.”
Source: USA Today

12. “Hand-To-Hand Combat”

In a direct plea to African-American and other minority voters, Obama said during October 7, 2010 radio interview that a Republican victory in the mid-term elections would mean “hand-to-hand” combat on Capitol Hill for the next two years.
“If they’re successful in doing that, they’ve already said they’re going to go back to the same policies that were in place during the Bush administration. That means that we are going to have just hand-to-hand combat up here on Capitol Hill.”
Source: The LA Times

13. “It’s Time To Fight For It”

Barack and Michelle got together for this mid-term election plea to ACORN and SEIU members that now is the time to “fight for it.”

2, All of the dregs of society led by Pentagon bomber Bill Ayers (close Obama associate) , Al Sharpton, (visited obama 75 x in White House) George Soros (close banker of Obama projects) financed groups:, Democrats/socialists,, Blacklivesmatter cop killing advocates (, Islamic terrorists, illegal alien criminals, illegal alien activists,, Occupy Wall Street pervs who defecated on public streets and raped their fellow occupiers planning massive civil disobedience starting next month, culminating in shutting down the Republican Convention in Cleveland and shutting down free speech and freedom of assembly. Obama is on their side and he controls the military as well as having armed militias in many cabinet departments now.…/ as well as having handcuffed the police and taken away much of their firepower. He'll make sure the dregs are not stopped.


Mr Americana, Overpasses News Desk
March 18th, 2016
Overpasses For America
(AP Photo/Gerry Broome)
(AP Photo/Gerry Broome)
Commenting on the left-wing protests that caused the campaign rally in Chicago for Donald Trump to be cancelledlast week, author and activist David Horowitz said the protestors used “fascist” tactics to break up the meeting, and this is the type of activity that “led to the rise of Hitler in the ‘30s.”
“This kind of fascist tactic — which is what it is, breaking up meetings, they went in to disrupt the meeting — it’s what led to the, you know people hate this analogy, but it is what led to the rise of Hitler in the ‘30s,” said Horowitz on NewsmaxTV’s Steve Malzberg Show on Mar. 17.
“The communists and the Nazis broke up the meetings of the Social Democrats and that’s how Hitler was elected,” he said.
“But they’re fascist tactics anyway,” Horowitz continued“The left is dedicated to shutting down the free speech of anyone who disagrees with them by calling them names like ‘racist’ or ‘sexist’ and by physical violence.”

“And we’ve seen it from Ferguson and Baltimore, out of control leftist mobs,” he said.

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