
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Refuting false claims of Obama’s (phony) accomplishments

Refuting false claims of Obama’s (phony) accomplishments
The left/ Obama claims
1.       He got Bin laden
a.       He campaigned AGAINST every tool used to find and kill Bin laden
b.      It was the military who did it. He had no choice but ok the decision
c.       Much of the Seal team Six who got Bin laden were killed in mysterious helicopter crash later
With 8 Afghanistan soldiers aboard who were not supposed to be there. The support helicopters were given the order to not shoot back at the Taliban shooting at them, WHY?
2.       He got price of gas reduced
a.       He has fought vigorously against gas and oil exploration in USA
b.      The price is doubled since he took office
3.       He cut the deficit in half
a.       The deficit is still much HIGHER than the highest under Bush
b.      It only dropped from the astronomical highs he had the first 4 years
c.       He will DOUBLE all previous US debt from the first 43 Presidents
4.       He cut the unemployment rate. The rate is down because we have record # of people who dropped out of labor force and they are not counted. The unemployment rate didn't fall because more people were hired. The rate fell solely because the number of people who had become dispirited and stopped looking for work far exceeded the number who found jobs. The percentage of Americans in the workforce - defined as those who either have a job or are actively seeking one - dropped to 62.6 percent, a 38-year low, from 62.9 percent. (The figure was 66 percent when the recession began in 2007
5.       He ended 2 wars
Pulling out precipitously has led to explosion of worldwide terrorism, rise of ISIS. This iis part of Obama’s radical Islamic jihadism.

The claims leave out the many, many disasters of Obama.

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