
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

1 year upshot on Iran deal: The deal really was a historic achievement -- for Iran.

World Jewish Digest 

Surprise, surprise.
Remember all those arguments of the Obama administration that Iran would come to heel, moderate itself, and be a productive world player?
Remember when critics of the deal said that was a bunch of hooey?
It turns out the critics were right.
One year after the deal was signed, Iran is more aggressive, not less. Yes, it's not at the moment producing uranium, but it is still testing ballistic missiles, upgrading other defense systems, and generally being more aggressive in the Middle East.
Sec. of State John Kerry got a mouthful from Gulf leaders last week on a visit to Bahrain. That country's foreign minister said it best:
“We are noticing two things that we kind of have expected,” Bahrain’s foreign minister, Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmed al-Khalifa, said at a joint news conference with Mr. Kerry. “The missile program is moving forward with full support from the top of the leadership of the Islamic Republic, and we are seeing the hegemonic interventions” by Tehran “continuing unabated.”
Meanwhile, the New York Times points out that the Obamas weakened the prohibitions against ballistic missiles in their "historic deal" with Tehran.
Indeed, the older resolution, which Tehran also routinely ignored, stated that “Iran shall not undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles.” But the new resolution — the wording of which was negotiated in Vienna in July, just as the final nuclear accord was taking place — is significantly weaker. It “calls upon Iran not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons.”
Stellar effort, fellas. You gave the leading state sponsors of terrorism billions of dollars, you let them keep their nuclear program intact, you gave them permission for regional hegemony, and you recently pledged to keep on lifting those sanctions, no matter what happens.
The deal really was a historic achievement -- for Iran.

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