
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Common Palestinian lies about Israel

Common Palestinian lies about Israel
1.       They say Palestinian Muslims are ancient inhabitants. Jews are modern carpetbaggers who stole the land.
TRUTH is the opposite. Jews have been there for 4000 years since Abraham. Read the Bible!! Palestinian Moslems are a fake people created by Arabs and Soviets to weaken Israel.  Most are just generic Arabs who came to the land when they saw how the modern Jewish pioneers made the land prosper.
2.       They say Jews are racists since they don’t rape Muslim women. Is that the most bizarre argument you have ever heard? Muslims kill gays, treat women like animals, use babies as human shields, and are raping their way through Europe now. They seem to think Jews would be better people if they raped Muslim women.
3.       My liberal cousin used this one: They say Israelis use disproportionate force since more Palestinians died in last Gaza battle than Jews. TRUTH: a. Fakestinians purposely drive up their dead numbers by suing human shields. B. Would people be happier if the 10,000 missiles Gaza shot at Israel prompting the last Israeli effort to root it out, had caused 100,000 Israelis dead? Simple solution to this: tell the Fakestinians to stop trying to kill Israelis.
4.       My liberal cousin used this one also: Unfair that Israel had iron dome. TRUTH: same response as above. Would people be happier if the 10,000 missiles Gaza shot at Israel prompting the last Israeli effort to root it out, had caused 100,000 Israelis dead? Simple solution to this: tell the Fakestinians to stop trying to kill Israelis.
5.       Biden says Both sides are obstructing peace, but blames mostly Israel. TRUTH: the conflict would be over in one minute if Palestinians would say Jewish Israel has a right to exist and we will stop using violence against them. 2 Israeli Prime Ministers have offered virtually all west bank and Israel already unilaterally withdrew from Gaza but got only violence in return. This is 100% Fakestinian fault.

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