
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How can anyone say Trump is not a conservative or does not mean what he says?

How can anyone say Trump is not a conservative or does not mean what he says?
Trump beat 16 great Repub pros BECAUSE of disgust that the political pros did nothing when handed Congress to stop the radical Obama. It is crazy to think a 69 year old billionaire would put himself and his family through this ordeal just to play a trick on USA. To sit on your hands and let Hillary be elected is INSANE. She is a known CORRUPT, RADICALLY LEFT, TREASONOUS, PRO AMNESTY, INCOMPETENT, PRO MUSLIM APPEASEMENT, HIGHER TAXES, ANTI COAL, ANTI GUN, extremist!
Trump’s Conservative positions:
a Rebuild Obama gutted military
b. Oppose and curb Russian, Chinese, North Korean, Iranian, Isis etc expansion.
c. Gut and replace catastrophic Obamacare
d. Stop Irs, EPA and regulatory abuse
e. Stop the gazillions of wasted Federal dollars
f. Stop abuse of our Veterans
g. Expel tens of thousands of violent illegal migrant felons
h. Build the wall, just as Mexico built wall o its southern border to make immigration orderly again
i. Defend our allies, especially Israel
j. Reduce taxes to grow economy and produce jobs
K. reduce inflow of hundreds of thousands of u vettable Muslims, 25% of whom admit to supporting violent jihad

These are all conservative positions. His trade views are not classically conservative except for some wings of the Republican party.

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