
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

If you want to be protected from radical islamic terrorism, choice is only Trump.

Democrats endanger USA with attitude about radical Islamic terrorism
Democrats say we should allow Muslim immigrants in because we are nation of immigrants and Hillary attacks Republicans for wanting to get serious about fighting isis. Typical insanity from the left.
1.    Past immigrants did not come here to replace the Constitution with shariah and mass murder the population. They came to embrace America.
2.    We don’t even know how many Obama has admitted secretly because Homeland security won’t even the; Congress the #4 from 2014 and 2015-now.
3.    Many of these Syrian rapefugees are coming to remake the USA into shariah nation and kill us.  80& are military age men. (Obama lies about this). 13% ADMIT to supporting isis. (Obama ignores this). Look what is happening to Europe! Women raped and harassed. 80% rapefugees on welfare. Violent crime up massively. Bombings. Since June 2014, When ISIS proclaimed itself to be the Islamic State, according to a running count kept by CNN, ISIS has "conducted or inspired" over 70 terrorist attacks in 20 countries, not including Syria and Iraq. Attacks outside the boundaries have left over 1,700 human beings injured, and at least 1,200 dead.
4.    Democrats just want their votes. 80% vote Democratic.
5.    51% current USA Muslims want shariah and 25% support violent jihad. Obama will not allow proper policing. He demands the FBI be handcuffed in surveillance and now condemns Cruz for suggesting we go back to COMMUNITY POLICING, which was always done until Obama. Leading Muslim moderate endorses Cruz/Trump plan to monitor Muslims Most mosques US mosques radicalized. Obama does not allow surveillance.
6.    Hillary says we need “love and kindness” to defeat Isis, (which she and Obama birthed by precipitous pullout from Iraq). And she wants open borders.
7.       This is planned invasion to conquest by Isis ISIS has dispatched hundreds of radicalized fighters to carry out attacks throughout Europe. They gave us warning they would use refugees as cover for invasion.
8.       Obama and Hillary refuse to stop Isis. Wall Street Journal lead editorial March 23 says terrorism spreads from the failure to destroy Islamic state. Obama called it JV, then for a year said had no strategy, now had been pretend fighting them. Israel's top soldier, former Prime Minister Barak, said Isis could be finished off in 2 days. The second WSJ editorial yesterday shows how ridiculous Obama trying to minimize the threat is. What kind of man does the wave at a Communist tyrannical countries baseball game just after an isis mass bombing in Europe and then goes to Argentina to tango? Pretends to fight isis.
9.    WHY? Obama supports the jihadist. First thing he did when became POTUS was return Churchill bust to UK. Churchill saved world in WW2. Why would Obama do that? Churchill=colonialism to Obama. Obama’s dad was Muslim anti-colonialist. Obama is phony convert from Islam, according to his anti-American pastor of 26 years, Rev Wright. Muslim invasion of Europe is just payback in Obama’s mind for western colonialism. Remember when Michelle said Obama’s election “first time she’s been proud of USA”?There will be NO PROGRESS on curbing Islamic terror until after our jihadist-in-chief leaves office. He wants Islamic terrorists to succeed. The evidence is overwhelming. Everything he has done has promoted them. People are blind to it. .
10.  Obama and Hillary are responsible for a. creating isis by withdrawing from stabilized iraq and not stopping all this Isis terrorism, daily occurrences this week and spreading rapidly throughout the world, including USA. The.
11.  Obama lies non-stop. Islamic doctrine of taqiyya allows it to advance islam.He claims 99.9% Muslims are peaceful when fact is 25% of USA Muslims admit to supporting violent jihad, and 13% Syrian rapefugees admit support for Isis. Obama calls these Islamic terrorism acts: a. workplace violence b. overseas contingency actions 3. man caused disasters.

13. Most mosques US mosques radicalized. Obama does not allow surveillance.
a.    25% current Muslim US citizens admit to supporting violent jihad
b.    51% are seditious, favoring shariah over the constitution
c.    Huge % on welfare
d.    Obama lies when says most are women and children. 81% are military age men
e.    Obama lies when says we can vet them. FBI says we cannot. They have stolen perfect passport machines.
f.    20% admit support for Isis, and many other the 86 other Islamic terror groups
g. Hillary says fight Isis with love and kindness. Bernie says it is climate change. Pelosi says it is jobs. Obama’ won’t say the word Islamic.
14. h. In Europe, they rape, murder, harass, terrorize freely.

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