
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Democrats would have us believe the greatest curse for today's blacks are the police.

Democrats would have us believe the greatest curse for today's blacks are the police. Typical leftist stupidity. The police are the biggest blessing for blacks today. No police in black communities would lead to chaos, non stop violence. The real curses of blacks today? No fathers in most homes, unwed teenage births, drugs, 6 generations welfare dependency, black on black murders account for 96% of all black killed, but people get death threats for speaking the truth. Democratic ideas are based on these lies:

Blacklivesmatter is based on lies. Truth seems to have no meaning for them, but much worse for Hillary and Democratic demagogues.
Democrats are getting what they want. Chaos, riots, open season on cops. 

1. hands up don't shoot never happened. Just listening to a panel with some saying we need to DISARM the police. One lady acknowledges she lives in chicago but could care less that 96% of black deaths are black on black crime, wants to blame the police, even though this study shows they are not to blame.…/lesson-learned-from-the-s…/
2. Harvard Study Debunks Shooting Myth
What if the popular narrative about police racism that’s being pushed by Black Lives Matters and others in the wake of last week’s fatal shootings is based on unfounded assumptions? That’s the question we are forced to confront today after the publication of a new study conducted by Harvard University’s Rolando G. Fryer Jr. that shows there is no evidence that blacks are more likely than whites to be shot by cops +++3. War on Cops new books…/…/1594038759shows the same thing.
3. Democrats hurt the poor. Obama gave is record poverty!!! and a higher minimum wage increases black youth unemployment…/williams-higher-minimum-wage-law…#. The 10 largest poor cities are allled by Democrats
4. Soros spent #44 million financing Furgeson riots in helping Obama stimulate racial unrest.
5. This is all about Obama, Hillary and the radical left trying to create societal chaos, create phony divisions, increase racial strife,
This is what Democrats do. Obama wants societal deterioration
This is what Democrats do. Obama wants societal deterioration
6. Democrats hurt the poor. Obama gave is record poverty!!! and a higher minimum wage increases black youth unemployment…/williams-higher-minimum-wage-law…#.

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