
Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Democratic National Convention: anti police, anti military, anti-Semitism, anti-gay, anti Hispanic, racist, anti-female

The Democratic National Convention
-Hacked DNC emails show anti-Semitism, anti-gay, anti Hispanic, racist, anti-female is pervasive
-DNC heckles generals with chants “no more war”
-DNC heckles moment of silence for slain cops with chants “blacklivesmatter”
-Hillary has radical Islamic imam pro terrorist, open with prayer
-DNC turns back on Medal of Honor winner
-DNC no USA flags day but Palestinian and Mexican flags, while burning Israeli flags outside
-DNC nominates anti-Semite as candidate
Whenever she disagreed with some of the Jewish community in Little Rock -- or some of the ethnic community -- she would often make these statements." "She would say 'Jew Bastard' or call her husband a 'Jew boy' or a ' Jew'," Patterson told the WABC New York radio audience. [Carl Limbacher and NewsMax Staff, 17 July 2000] Patterson said he heard Hillary "utter anti-Jewish epithets between 10 and 20 times over the course of his six years at the Arkansas governor's mansion." [NewsMax, 17 July 2000]

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