
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Why are police being killed in record numbers? Obama/Hillary want chaos and societal disintegration

Senator Tim Scott, R-SC is a good man, black and he talks about how, even as a Senator,  being stopped and questioned even in the Senate building wearing a Senate pin, just because he is black. That is unfortunate but the reality when such a huge % of black men are criminals, way out of proportion to the population. It is hard to balance civil liberty and safety.
Sen. Scott adds we’ve made much progress in the last 50 years.  But it is a total lie to suggest police are deliberately targeting black men to kill them.
   Why are police being killed in record numbers? Obama/Hillary want chaos and societal disintegration to further their Alinsky/ Rules for Radicals plan.
Dennis Prager: "If you want to ignite race riots, a sure-fire way to do it is to stir up black hatred and suspicion of cops, which will in turn make cops warier of blacks and more trigger-happy, and so on, until an explosion occurs. So thanks, President Obama. You have set back American race relations by 50 years."
1.    Black are murdered every day by blacks but no one in the black community cares.
2.    Out of millions of police interactions, a few blacks are killed by police, mostly justified. There may be a few bad cops, but very few. Blacklivesmatter is based on a lie that police are deliberately killing blacks. That was debunked in study by black professor from Harvard.

3. Obama, Hillary, Sharpton, Jesse and others purposely perpetuate the LIE. Obama wants societal disintegration. Purposely demonizing the police. Black Sheriff of Milwaukee concurs.
4. BLMatter is now in cahoots with radical Islamic terrorists, Black Panther, Nation of Islam (Farakhan "kill 10,000 whites".) Sharpton calls on BLM to kill cops.
CAIR It is a revolutionary movement to destroy the Constitution. Want to kill whites:        Senator Tim Scott, R-SC is a good man, black and he talks about how, even as a Senator,  being stopped and questioned even in the Senate building wearing a Senate pin, just because he is black. That is unfortunate but the reality when such a huge % of black men are criminals, way out of proportion to the population. It is hard to balance civil liberty and safety.
Sen. Scott adds we’ve made much progress in the last 50 years.  But it is a total lie to suggest police are deliberately targeting black men to kill them.

5. Under Obama, RECORD POVERTY, huge increase in black youth unemployment, anemic economic growth, all to foster societal disintegration. We have huge increase in racial tension, riots. Obama banker George Soros spent $3 million financing Ferguson riots.
6. Obama wants to emasculate police, and nationalize them so they are under his control.
7. The main textbook used to teach America in our high schools is a Marxist/anti-American perspective
8. Hillary wants to confiscate guns. Chicago toughest gun control, highest murder rate. Thugs do not buy guns legally.


Hillary will exacerbate this chaos.
Imagine this + her welcoming in 1,000,000 unvettable Syrian rapefugees, 13% of whom admit Isis loyalty. . HILLARY APPEASE AND AIDS ISLAMIC TERRORISM: Hillary is as pro-Islamic terror as Obama. Our Military and FBI has been crippled by Obama in fighting Islamic terror. Hillary wrong person to fight battle vs radical 
Islamic terror. Is a jihadist appeaser.10 illustrations:


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