
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Hillary is vicious anti-Semite and Israel hater. Evidence piles up daily but Jews are ignorant of the facts

Hillary is vicious anti-Semite and Israel hater. Evidence piles up daily but Jews are ignorant of the facts
Larry Patterson, an Arkansas state trooper and Clinton bodyguard from 1986 to 1993, said that Bill and Hillary Clinton would frequently argue with each other using, some of the anti-Semitic slurs with which she commonly laced her tirades were "Jew motherfucker," "Jew Boy" and "Jew Bastard." [NewsMax, 15 and 17 July 2000]. "If she disagreed with Bill Clinton or she disagreed with some of the Jewish community in Little Rock -- or some of the ethnic community -- she would often make these statements." "She would say 'Jew Bastard' or call her husband a 'Jew boy' or a 'motherfucking Jew'," Patterson told the WABC New York radio audience. [Carl Limbacher and NewsMax Staff, 17 July 2000]
Then one of her top aids son, Max Blumenthal, who regularly sends her anti-Israel diatribes in emails,, attacked Elie Wesel after his death.
many many examples.
b. She and Bill have taken millions from terrorist nations and front groups she owes therm big. .…/foreign-donations-to-hill…/
c. Hillary’s Emails Reveal That She Distributed to Staff “I Hate Israel Handbook”
d. Soros has spent tens of millions on attacking Israel and Soros #3 TOP DONOR to Hillary.
f. Vicious anti Israel emails discovered to here from Max Blumenthal, son of her top aid. Hillary’s closest aid besides Muslim Islamic terrorist linked Huma, is Sid Blumenthal. Sid regularly sent Hillary his son Max’s VICIOUS anti-Israel articles…/hillarys-email-trail-of-troubling-an…/Hillary never made any comment challenging these articles. Now 
Max Blumenthal called on people to avoid celebrating the life of one of the world's foremost chronicler of the Holocaust, Elie Wiesel after he passed away. 
g. She hugely supports catastrophic Iran deal
h. Fully embraces Blacklivesmatter that have aligned themselves with jihadist anti-Israel terrorist organizations
i. she Calls Israel “occupiers”
j. Caroline Glick of Jerusalem post says Obama worst ever US President for zisrael and hillary will be worse and that Bibi greatly prefers Trump.
k. Her top aid for decades is from Muslim broitherhood terrorist family…/huma-abedins-muslim-brother…
l. Her VP pick has extensive Muslim terrorist ties
m. Treated Israeli ambassador horribly

4. DNC shows deep seated anti-Semitism
a. Hacked DNC emails show clearly deep latent anti semitism in democratic party.
b. DNC staffers ANNOYED at having to commemorate the Holocaust
c.while the DNC platform committee is in civil war whether to say Israel occupies palestinian land and abuse them. Dems have become anti Israel
d. 2012 convention booed “Jerusalem” being in the platform

4. Also Hillary isracist, hurts blacks and Hispanics
Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, whom else do Democrats CON and despise? +40 reasons to reject Hillary
Who do Democrats love? Islamic jihadists, blacklivesmatter racist cop killing advocates
How Backs suffer under Democrats
Democrats party’s racism, anti-gay, anti-women, anti-jewish revealed through exposed emails

Hillary’s long standing anti-Semitism and Israel hatred "those Jew bastar..."

1. Hillary’s closest aid besides Muslim Islamic terrorist linked Huma, is Sid Blumenthal. Sid regularly sent Hillary
his son Max’s VICIOUS anti-Israel articles Her emails show clearly deep, venomous hatred for Israel
2. Hillary never made any comment challenging these articles. Now
Max Blumenthal called on people to avoid celebrating the life of one of the world's foremost chronicler of the Holocaust,
slamming Wiesel for his support of Israel…/elie-wiesel-perfect-tribute-hat…/
3. Hillary Clinton is an Israel hater. Classic liberal election lie that she is pro Israel. Hillary enemy of Israel
4. VS Trump who supports Israel 100%!!!
5. This monster supports Obama’s genocidal iran treaty. Hillary supports Obama’s genocidal Iran deal.
6. Hillary vicious slurs vs Jews Hillary anti-Semite History of racism. Anti-Semite:
7. Hillary pro-Islamic terror
9. Hillary's top aid for decades, Huma, is from Muslim brotherhood family.
10. She and Bill have taken millions from terrorist nations and front groups.
11She says fight terror with love and kindness.
12Now she wants to bring in huge # of unvettable Syrian rapefugees, 80% of whom are military age men, sent by isis to conquest.
13. She justified terrorist hamas shooting 10,000 missiles at Israel from schools and hospitals by suggesting they had no other space to shoot them from
14. She claimed in her book Israel is illegally occupying territory
When Israel built some apartments in Jerusalem, as Secr. of state, she called BIBI and screamed at him for an hour.

If you CLAIM to be an Israel supporter, only one choice in November. TRUMP!!
Zionist quiz? Which candidate
1. Was Grand marshal of Israel parade in NYC? DT
2. Publicly supported Bibi? DT
3. Appointed top pro-Israel advisors to head his Israel advisory committee DT
4. Never screamed at Bibi about building apartments in Jerusalem DT
5. Publicly stated Israel should build in Judea and Samaria DT
6. Wants to stop Islamic immigration to USA until we can sort out and vet properly who is pro terrorism DT
7. Was secr of State when Arab countries disintegrated to terrorism strongholds? HC
8. Took millions in bribes for her phony foundation from terrorist nations HC
9. Has long history of anti-Israel statements and policies HC
10. Released emails she tried to suppress show vicious anti-Israel emails from top advisors HC
11. Top aid is Muslim from family full of terrorists HC
12. Justified Hamas missiles saying Gaza is small so they have to shoot from hospitals and schools HC
13. Called Judea west bank occupied in her book HC
14. Supports Obama’s catastrophic Iran deal HC
15. Says Obama’s catastrophic Iran deal worst deal ever? DT

Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg

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