
Sunday, August 7, 2016

Hillary's negligence led to Iran MURDER of a prominent Iranian nuclear scientist who was helping us

Remember Hillary being called reckless, negligent and a liar by the FBI Director about her top top secret emails stored on an unsecured bathroom stored server? Turns out they now led to the MURDER of a prominent Iranian nuclear scientist who was helping us. From one the best Senators in the US Senate, Tom Cotton:
Hillary was the worst Secretary of State EVER. How does she deserve a promotion? Endangered our nation. Every decision she ever made or supported for national security was horrible. Iran deal, Russian reset, Chinese expansion, N. Korea, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Isis born, Benghazi killings and lies, Islamo terror growth, alienate Israel and ALL our allies, and she is HUGE supporter of catastrophic IRAN deal. horrible.…/hillary_clinton_americas_w…

3. She is the most corrupt, psychotic, lying, anti-Semitic, pro jihadist, bribe taker candidate ever. Hillary most corrupt person ever to run.…/she-is-most-repugna…

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