
Monday, August 15, 2016

Reasons to vote FOR HILLARY, if you want America destroyed

Reasons to vote FOR HILLARY,  if you want a catastrophe

Do you want terrorist nations to be able to blackmail our president due to pay-to-play bribes? Vote Hillary
Do you want someone who doubles down on Obama’s historic worst anemic economic growth over 8 years? Vote Hillary. Record low home ownership. Record businesses closing. Middle class wage losses
Do you want more race riots when black policeman shoots armed 14x arrested criminal like Milwaukee today? Vote Hillary
Do you believe we should have open borders and let anyone in? Vote Hillary
Do you believe we should give sanctuary to repeat illegal alien violent felons? Vote Hillary
Do you want 550% increase unvettable Syrain refugees that will include isis terrorist? Vote Hillary. While Muslim countries take 0 Syrian refugees, Hillary wants to increase by 550% the # of Syrian rapefugees we take, whom our intelligence establishment say we absolutely cannot vet properly, Isis brags about smuggling their soldiers in among the refugees in Europe.

Do you want our Obama doubled US debt now at $19 trillion to double again? Vote Hillary
Do you want record poverty achieved under Obama to continue? Vote Hillary
Do you want worst ever record of treatment of Israel by Obama, according to Caroline Glick, to continue? Vote Hillary
Do you want INSANE President, according to new book by her Secret Service aid of 8 years? Vote Hillary
Do you want mentally unstable president, according to hacked email of her closest aid Huma? Vote Hillary
Do you want pathological Hillary as president, who lied about her emails, about Benghazi, about being under sniper fire? Vote Hillary
Do you want someone who has 90+ close associates who in some way endangered her popularity and died under “mysterious circumstances, including 5 in the last 2 weeks? Vote Hillary
Do you want your guns confiscated? Vote Hillary
Do you want catastrophic iran deal to continue? Vote Hillary
Do you want anti-Semite, who routinely says Jew bastar…”? Vote Hillary
Do you want our nation treated like a for-profit for Clinton bank account as she did State Department? Vote Hillary
Do you want our nation’s military continue to be gutted? Vote Hillary
Do you want President who our FB I Director said on nationwide TV, was negligent and reckless with our nation’s top secrets? Vote Hillary
Do you want President who was worst ever secretary of state? Every decision she made hurt the USA and world. Vote Hillary
Do you want our nation MORE dependent on Muslim oil by killing our coal and fracking? Vote Hillary
Do you want a president whose top 2 aids are Muslim Brotherhood terrorist family member Huma and vicious anti-Israel self-jew hater Sid Blumenthal? Vote Hillary
Do you want a president who led the campaign to denigrate the women her husband raped and abused? Vote Hillary
Do you want the failed Obamacare system transformed into a nation-wide government run, socialized system VA level medical care for all of us? Vote Hillary
If you want want Hispanics to suffer under democratic economy, vote Hillary
If you want Blacks to contnue to suffer under democrats, vote Hillary

Main reasons to OPPOSE her DELINEATED HERE

and CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, LA Times, NY Times, Wash. Post all ignore it.

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