
Saturday, September 24, 2016

Hillary/Obama/Dems ENDANGER all of us through their aiding and abetting radical Islamic jihad

3 ways Obama/Hillary/Huma/Valarie Jarrett abet Islamic jihad destroying USA: Syrian refugees, Iran deal, Muslim brotherhood takeover,
Hillary/Obama/Dems ENDANGER all of us through their aiding and abetting radical Islamic jihad
1.importing unvettable  Syrian rapefugees. Hillary supporters: this is INSANE. Wake up.  They WILL include thousands of Isis mass murderers. Why have NO Moslem nations taken any?
2. Appeasing Iran. Iran is the largest state sponsor of worldwide terror, that Obama/Hillary/Kerry have bent over backwards to appease. $150 billion. Nuclear deal with secret side deals. Looking the other way as they cheat constantly on the deal. They are shill for Iran, coddling them. Iran born Obama top aid valarie Jarrett coordinates the traitorous behavior. The Iran lobby runs US foreign policy under Obama.
 Iran deal worst catastrophic, genocidal deal by USA ever. Strengthens worst nation on earth.

3. MOST SERIOUS: Muslim Brotherhood takeover. The nation itself is in real danger if Hillary is elected. It is because the methodical takeover of the government by Muslim Brotherhood will continue unimpeded. They operate below the radar but make progress regularly. We have their play book, discovered a few years ago and they are winning. Hillary and Obama help them. They have already inflilatrated  most of our national security agencies, and are getting elected in local polictics a few so far in Congress and ensconced next to Obama (Jarrett) and Hillary (Huma).
300+ examples of Obama support for radical Islamic jihad

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