
Sunday, September 11, 2016

Trump supporters deplorable? What does that make voters who support the Hillary monster?

Trump supporters deplorable? What does that make voters who support the Hillary monster? Her DIVISIVE language about half of America disqualifies her to be POTUS. Is she going to have all of us who oppose her, killed, as so many of her acquaintances have died mysteriously? Those supporting her are not deplorable, they are just misguided, buying her CON.
Don’t fall for the Hillary CON
Every day more and more comes out of her LYING, CORRUPTION, lifetime of: scandals, serious illnesses, dead acquaintances, money laundering, pay-to-play, incompetency, say-anything to get elected, selling our uranium to Russia who sold it to Iran, racism, anti-Semitism, lifetime of Israel hatted, appeasement of radical Islam, insanity, recklessness, negligence (FBI Director’s words) Alinsky trained, George Soros and Muslim shariah nations financed. She’ll move Supreme Court wildly left.
America could elect an incompetent monster. All her policies will exacerbate Obama’s historic anemic economy, INCREASE DANGER to USA. EVERY decision she made as Secr of State HURT USA. Led campaign to ABUSE women her husband raped. Took $20,000 from KKK.
Incompetency 23 things What we KNOW for sure about Hillary that make it insane to vote for her unless you want to RUIN

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