
Saturday, October 22, 2016

After lifetime of government salaries, how did Clinton’s get to be worth hundreds of MILLIONS?

After lifetime of government salaries, how did Clinton’s get to be worth hundreds of MILLIONS? THIEVES!! A. STEALING hundreds of millions meant for Haitian earthquake. B. Setting up phony charitable foundation, using 5% for charity and pocketing the rest. 46 years in public political life and corrupt, lying, treasonous pay-to-play, anti-semitic, racist, women hating Hillary has done nothing but harm USA, leading us inexorably closer to tyranny and communism, as her mentor Alinsky, and main financier, George Soros wants. Riots, record poverty, pathetic economic growth, inner cities in ruins, murder rates rising, she abuses and threatens the women Bill raped,  Islamic terror mass murders, doubling of our debt, Her supporters are not mostly deplorable, long and growing list of mysterious deaths from people that had the truth about the Clintons, They have just fallen for the Democratic CON.  Bribing Bernie to endorse her with beach house. And now FIREBOMBING GOP headquarters. Wikileaks confirming all this.

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