
Thursday, October 20, 2016

The key to everything is to understand the primary intellectual influence on both Obama and Hillary is Saul Alinsky.

The key to everything is to understand the primary intellectual influence on both Obama and Hillary is Saul Alinsky. He mentored them both. His primary goal was accumulation of mass power through any means necessary. Therefore we see why the Democrats are using 1930s nazi tactics. I'm not saying they are Nazis, or God forbid want to mass murder. But the Democrats have been PROVEN, in the last few days, coordinated by Obama And Hillary, to use some the same techniques the nazis used in the early 1930s. Nazis started out in the early 30s hired thugs to create violence at opponents rallys. Nazis had dead people vote. Nazis firebombed opponent’s offices. Nazis tried to shut down opposing media. Nazis made sure they had virtually all media being their propaganda machine. They corrupted all the vital organs of the government.
Project Veritas and Wikileaks proves Democrats are using these same 1930's Nazi storm trooper tactics to try and rig this election, endangering our republic. :registering dead people, hiring thugs to incite violence, firebombing GOP headquarters, 1/8 registrations improper=18 million people (Pew Poll), ripping up GOP ballots, using George Soros voting machines in 16 states, corrupted FBI, Justice dept., State dept., IRS. Censoring wikileaks revelations by cutting off his internet. CENSORSHIP, just like they keep trying to shut down talk radio. All the while the democrats propaganda unit: AP, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NYTimes, Univision, Washington Post, ABC, Politico cover up the truth about monster Hillary and lie about Trump.

FELON caught in VOTER-FRAUD video sting visited White House 342 TIMES & with Obama 47 TIMES!

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