
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

War against the Jews. A resolution adopted by a United Nations committee essentially denies any historical Jewish connection to the Temple Mount

War against the Jews. A resolution adopted by a United Nations committee essentially denies any historical Jewish connection to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and takes Israel to task for “provocative abuses that violate the sanctity and integrity of the area.”  Christians ask yourself: according to your Bible, wasn't Jewish Jesus in Jewish Jerusalem at the Jewish temple 2000 years ago? Read the Old Testament. Count how often Jerusalem is mentioned. 700x. Now do the same in the Quran. 0.
Truth: Palestinians are a phony made up people created to try and kill jews and steal Jewish historic land going back 4000 years.
The moral FARCE of the UN says the opposites: that Jews have no connection to land and want to steal palestinian land.

.Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, insisted that UNESCO’s omission of the Jewish people’s connection to Jerusalem constitutes a “war on Jewish history.” Jonathan Greenblatt, a former special assistant to U.S. President Barack Obama and now national director and CEO of the Anti-Defamation League (and widely perceived as left-leaning), said, “Yet again, member states of the UNESCO Executive Board have perpetuated outrageous and false allegations against Israel and blatantly denied the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount and Jerusalem.”
1. There is NO occupation of Palestine. There are no illegal settlements. Phony Palestinians just want Israel gone and Jews dead. Any other view is delusional or anti-Semitism. Israel is the historic (4000 year old) homeland of the Jewish people and today one of the most successful nations on earth.  1.5 million Arab citizens of Israel live better and freer than any Arab in 22 Arab nations.
     There never was an historic Muslim Palestinian people.If there were, Jordan and Egypt could have established a “Palestinian State” from 1948 -1967 when they controlled West bank and Gaza. Palestine was Jewish in ancient times. The “West Bank” is historic Jewish land. Just read the Bible.
     Overwhelmingly people who claim to be Palestinians never lived inside the area. They are descendants 1 or 2 generations of carpetbaggers from the region. If this phony people truly wanted a state next to Israel, they could have accepted the extremely generous plans of Omert and Barak, 2 Israel prime Ministers and they’d stop teaching their kindergarteners to want to kill Israelis. Instead they rejected the proposals with violence and just teach violence and terror. “East Jerusalem” is not Arab. There are 200,000 Jews there too.
     The “Free Palestine”, BDS and “end the occupation”, are about destroying all OF Israel, killing Jews and enhancing terror, not about establishing a state next to Jewish Israel.
2. The Arab world does not care about the issue either. They use it as a wedge vs Israel. Palestinian groups are just some of 85 other Islamic terrorist groups including Isis and Alquida.

3.  BDS is effort to DESTROY Israel. It is led by Islamic terrorist organizations: Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood. Muslim Student Association, CAIR, and Students for Justice in Palestine are all linked to these terror groups.   while Israel defends itself in the most ethical way of any nation.
REFUTING 10 lies they tell about Israel in 2 videos

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