
Monday, October 17, 2016

we know have direct smoking gun evidence of CRIMINAL COLLUSION/ Inciting violence

Hillary: besides the 50 other scandals and lies, we know have direct smoking gun evidence of CRIMINAL COLLUSION/ Inciting violence/firebombing/destroying Republican voter registration. How can any decent person vote for Hillary?
Today we learned, following a year of undercover work, that Democrats hire thugs wherever there is a Trump rally to try and incite violence so media will report violence at Trump rallies. Furthermore, in the words from the operatives speaking to what they thought were friends, direct evidence of criminal collusion between the DNC, superpacs that legally must be separate, Hillary's campaign and the White House. There will never be justice unless trump is elected because clintons/Obama/Media have completely corrupted FBI, IRS, Justice dept State dept. FCC, EPA, Homeland security. All FBI agents besides the corrupt director, want Hillary indicted for the emails.

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