
Sunday, November 20, 2016

Every time the ALT LEFT Democrats and Media WHINE about a Trump nominee or policy: SAY:

Every time the ALT LEFT Democrats and Media WHINE about a Trump nominee or policy: SAY:
YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE. 8 years of disaster with Obama. Worst presidency ever. Record poverty. Worst ever anemic growth, More businesses close than open. Massive amount new business killing regulations. World’s highest corporate taxes. Gutted military. riots. racial discord. Alienated allies. Isis born and flourishes. All our adversaries flourish, nightmare of Obamacare sold on lies, Catastrophic Iran deal sold on lies, both totally shutting out GOP input.. Brining in unvettable refugees.
Then you nominate a thoroughly corrupt, lying, psychotic bribe taking, woman abusing murderer.
ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. Trump won the whole country but loony tune leftist West Coast, corrupt bankrupt Illinois, NY and New Jersey basically. You lost the Congress, White House, 2/3rds Governors and 900 legislators because of your disaster. America does not care what you think anymore. You have no leverage. The goal is NOT get along with you. It is to marginalize you forever and minimize your influence.
Intellectually and morally bankrupt Democrats have nothing besides the defamatory, slanderous, phony charges of racism/sexism/anti-Semitism that you ALWAYS TRY. TRUTH? We now know DNC are the racists, bigots anti-Semites.

     Memo to the rest of the country: The ALT LEFT, media, + leftist Academia will NEVER give up. They are like leftists everywhere. They are very dangerous. They are acting aghast that Republicans might actually do what Trump was elected to do. Guess what, elections have consequences We can never give up either. Keep defending the United Republican congress and let Republicans fix America and the world. Democrats are going further left, picking Hamas terrorist man in Congress, Keith Ellison, as chair of the Dem Party+ letting Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren set the agenda. They believe in violence when they don’t get their way.

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