
Friday, November 18, 2016

how can so many people we know with high IQs be so STUPID when it comes to politics?

how can so many people we know with high IQs be so STUPID when it comes to politics?

Rush undertook the question so many of us have today: how can so many people we know with high IQs be so STUPID when it comes to politics? That's why William Buckley said he'd rather be ruled by the first 100 names in the phone book than the Harvard faculty. Why?

The answer is found in Jewish kabbalah. Kabbalah asserts God has 10 emanations, the top 3 are intellect, bottom 7 are emotions. Liberals, no matter how smart, are dominated by the emotions and "FEELINGS" replace reality, fact, proof, empiricism for them. They believe that if they "feel" a certain way, despite evidence that it fails, they should do it anyway.

Case in point: if you ask a liberal if we should help the poor of course they'd say yes. Then why after 8 years of Obama, do we have record poverty? Because liberalism HURTS the poor. Over 70 years we tried it their way. welfare handouts. Spent $22 trillion and have record poverty, 6 generations of dependency. The same could be said for EVERY liberal democratic policy./

Easiest way to explain it is CHABAD. Chabad is an acronym for 3 kabbalistic emanations of God. “chochmah,” “binah,” and “da’at?”
Chochmah is practical knowledge; how to do things: How to drive a car, how to tie your shoes—things you can learn and teach. Binah is knowledge of relationships: Putting A and B together, logical reasoning, even intuition. Da’at is experiential knowledge: How you know you’re alive, how you know God exists, how you know that 1+1 = 2. This knowledge cannot be proven, only experienced. Rabbi Noach Orlowek once explained the difference between chochmah, binah, and da’at with the following analogy:
When you tell a child not to touch the stove because it’s hot and it burns, you’ve given him chochmah. When the child sees a pot on the stove and figures out that it might be hot too, he’s using his binah. However, when he puts his hand on the stove (Ouch!), he now has da’at!
Liberals with high IQs have none of the above. The test of intelligence do not test “chochmah,” “binah,” and “da’at" which are the important kinds of intelligence. That's why they can continue promote polices that never achieve their goals, in fact undermine them and policies that endanger all of us. Example Obamanomics left us with record poverty and rising income inequality.

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