
Friday, November 18, 2016

Snopes just another radical left site

Snopes Fact Checker is Exposed as a Fraud

Snopes started out fact checking news of the weird and eventually tried to remake itself as a political fact checking site.  But now it has been exposed as a fraud.  The main fact checker is   Kim Lacapria, who was formerly with Inquisitr, a site known for publishing fake quotes and hoaxes.  Lacapria was a huge disaster as a writer with many of her stories getting just 10 to 20 shares.  She was a vitriolic far left wing blogger.  While at Inquisitr she described herself as an openly left leaning liberal.
In her articles, she described Bill Clinton as one of the greatest presidents of all time and called Tea Party members as Teahadists.
She once wrote: “Like many GOP ideas about the poor, the panic about using food stamps for alcohol, pornography or guns seems to have been cut from whole cloth–or more likely, the ideas many have about the fantasy of poverty.” (A simple fact-check would show that food stamp fraud does occur and costs taxpayers tens of millions.)
Lacapria even accused the Bush administration of being “at least guilty of criminal negligience” in the September 11 attacks. (The future “fact-checker” offered no evidence to support her accusation.)
Her columns apparently failed to impress her readership, oftentimes failing to get more than 10-20 shares.
Lacapria’s “fact checking” comes with a far left leaning ideology.  Take a recent article for example.  She said that comparisons between Carter’s moratorium against Iranians is totally different from Trump’s suggestionof banning Muslims from entry into the United States until we have a real way of vetting who we are letting into the country.  She described Carter’s actions as a security measure taken as a last resort.  She ignores that the United States is experiencing terror attacks right here in this country, which a reasonable person would want to keep out more terrorists.
Jimmy Carter also deported  14,768 Iranians.  Considering the number of terror attacks committed by refugees or the children of refugees (Orlando, Boston Marathon bombing, Ft Hood 1 and 2, Chattanooga recruitment center shooting, the San Bernardino shootings) would make admitting unvetted refugees a security issue.  Remember, at least two of the Paris terrorists were refugees.
Lacapria even did a fact check on Omar Mateen’s democratic voter registration.  In that article she argued that just because he was a registered democrat, didn’t mean he was actually a democrat.
In that “fact check” article, Lacapria argued that “Facebook Trending’s blacklisting of ‘junk topics’ was not only not a scandalous development, but to be expected following the social network’s crackdown on fake news sites.” The opinion-heavy article was mockingly titled: The Algorithm Is Gonna Get You.
Lacapria again played defense for Clinton in a fact check article when she claimed: “Outrage over an expensive Armani jacket worn by Hillary Clinton was peppered with inaccurate details.”
One of the “inaccurate details” cited by Lacapria was that, “The cost of men’s suits worn by fellow politicians didn’t appear in the article for contrast.” She also argued the speech Clinton gave while wearing the $12,495 jacket, which discussed “raising wages and reducing inequality,” wasn’t actually about income inequality.
Save this article and send it to every liberal every time they use Snopes as a source.

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