
Monday, November 14, 2016

The KEY to understanding American politics is this:

America has wised up, realize Democrats ruin everything they touch and are evil to boot. Since Obama won in 2008,  Democrats have hemorrhaged in office:  net loss 12 Senate Seats, 60 House seats, 14 governors, 900 state legislators.  
The KEY to understanding American politics is this:
1. Democrats LOSE every ISSUE. They ruin whatever they touch, both domestic and foreign policy.
2. So, all they have is to try and instill fear about Republicans. They try now with Trump. The truth is the OPPOSITE.
a. Wikileaks has PROVEN top DNC officials are the evil racists
show disdain for Blacks, Jews, Catholics, Evangelicals, Gun owners, Hispanics. Don’t forget Hillary calling half of Trump voters “irredeemable and deplorable”.
b. They have CONNED minorities. Democrats have always been racists.
c. Trump 30 years in public life and never one complaint about being a bigot until he won the nomination. He has hired and promoted thousands of minorities and women and they adore him.
3. Democrats do not care if their candidate is a murderer, thief, bribe taker, corrupt, lying, incompetent, racist, woman abusing, anti-Semitic monster as Hillary is. As long as there is a D in front of her name, it is fine
4. Americans saw throuigh the democratic lies; Trump beat Romney with women, blacks, hispanics and narrowly lost to Hillary with women and college educated

details: below

4. Muslims have nothing to fear except if they are terrorists. And Democrats don’t care. Now want terrorist Keith Ellison to head DNC. He supports CAIR. CAIR wants to overthrow USA.

details: below

The KEY to understanding American politics is this:
1. Democrats LOSE every ISSUE. They ruin whatever they touch. After 8 Obama years we have record poverty, all our previous debt doubled, a gutted military, alienated allies, Islamic terror spreading wildly and being appeased, all our adversaries and enemies flourishing, massive business failure, loss of 70,000 factories, worst ever economic low growth over 8 years, collapsing Obamacare working to abolish basic rights of free speech, free assembly, gun ownership.etc.
2. So, all they have is to try and instill fear about Republicans. Their LYING narrative is :”Republicans are racists, homophobic, etc” . They tried with Reagan. They tried with Romney. They try now with Trump. The truth is the OPPOSITE.
a. Wikileaks has PROVEN top DNC officials
a. hired thugs to incite violence at trump rallies to try and make Trump look bad. It was orchestrated by the White House and Hillary’s campaign And they now hire thugs to protest, main point “kill Trump and rape Melania”.
b. show disdain for Blacks, Jews, Catholics, Evangelicals, Gun owners, Hispanics. Don’t forget Hillary calling half of Trump voters “irredeemable and deplorable”.
c. They have CONNED minorities. Democrats have always been racists. KKK, slave trade, opposition to civil rights were all Democrats. President LBJ bragged he went ahead with civil rights to con blacks. Republicans fought always to end slavery and end bigotry. .
The left. Killed a veteran on Veterans day in their violent protesting democracy because
He asked them not to burn the flag.
c. Trump 30 years in public life and never one complaint about being a bigot until he won the nomination. He has hired and promoted thousands of minorities and women and they adore him.
3. Democrats do not care if their candidate is a murderer, thief, bribe taker, corrupt, lying, incompetent, racist, woman abusing, anti-Semitic monster as Hillary is. As long as there is a D in front of her name, it is fine. Margret Thatcher, Indira Gandhi Golda Meir never campaigned on theme "vote for me because I'm a woman." Hillary's campaign was “vote for me because I'm a woman and Trump is terrible." Did not work. Thank God America came to its senses and tossed out Democrats and gave Republicans a chance to Make America great Again
4. Muslims have nothing to fear except if they are terrorists. A. 51% USA Muslims support shariah replacing the Constitution. That is seditious. B. 25% support violent jihad. 3. We CANNOT properly vet any of the refugees coming, that obviously will include isis terrorists. And Democrats don’t care. Now want terrorist Keith Ellison to head DNC.

The stench of moral rot is not just Hillary. It is the entire Democratic party.
Racist slave owners from the beginning, the wikileaks shows still racist. DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Shultz had to resign over the leaked emails that showed anti Bernie, cheating Bernie, anti-Semitism, anti-Catholic, anti-Evangelical, anti-Southerner and subsequent leaked emails confirm., now new DNC chair implicated in cheating, giving
 debate questions in advance to Hillary. Obama co-chair of campaign is Illinois-9 Congresswoman Schakowsky, Her husband, convicted felon, just had to resign his post after visiting White House 350 times, because he admitted to undercover Project Veritas reporters on tape that he was authorized to hire thugs to incite violence at Trump rallies. These videos caught Dem. operatives on tape trumping up anti Trump lies and plotting voter fraud. Many of Hillary’s close associates not killed are under FBI criminal investigation.
+Then they nominate a woman who is 100% corrupt, facing multiple FBI criminal investigations, a pathological liar, bribe taker and giver, thief, asked to MURDER Wilileaks chair by droning him, has 85+ close associates dead under mysterious circumstances including her lawyer and lover Vince Foster. 
+Their POLICIES have given us: doubling debt in 8 years, record poverty, worst economic growth ever over 8 years, pathetically low labor participation rate, gutted military, Russia/China/N. Korea/Iran/Isis/Islamic terror all on the march, Middle East in melt down, Islamic terror spreads to 60 nations, flooding USA with ilklegals and then not deporting mulktiple illegal felons. . They corrupted IRS. Homeland security infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood. And are there any Democratic leaders not sexual deviants, abusers, adulterers etc? rapist Bill, Ted Kennedy, Gary Hart, John Edwards, creepy Joe Biden can’t keep hands off married women, JFk shares Marilyn with mafia, LBJ, Hillary having male and female trysts arranged constantly for her
This election in brief: easy choice for a rational person. Billionaire businessman who has been pointing out the disaster of DC for 30 years begging anyone else to step up and fix it, to no avail and a party which can drain the immoral swamp the democrats have provided, 
corrupt, lying, murderous, criminal, incompetent, thieving, negligent with our secrets, politician and party who has done nothing to fix anything for 46 years and just made things worse. 
68 reasons Hillary would be a disaster…/50-reasons-to-oppos…

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