
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Even ALT LEFT ADL withdraws Ellison support/Ellison just keeps on lying and lying

IPT Story Prompts ADL to Retract Ellison DNC Endorsement

by IPT News  •  Dec 1, 2016 at 4:21 pm
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U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison's 2010 comments about Israeli political influence, first reportedTuesday by the Investigative Project on Terrorism, are "deeply disturbing and disqualifying" to his bid to become head of the Democratic National Committee, the Anti-Defamation League announced in a statement Thursday afternoon.
In remarks given at a private fundraiser, Ellison, D-Minn. implied Israel enjoyed disproportionate and inappropriate control over U.S. foreign policy. The IPT obtained a recording of those comments:
"The United States foreign policy in the Middle East is governed by what is good or bad through a country of 7 million people. A region of 350 million all turns on a country of 7 million. Does that make sense? Is that logic? Right? When the Americans who trace their roots back to those 350 million get involved, everything changes. Can I say that again?"
In Thursday's statement, ADL chief executive Jonathan Greenblatt said Ellison's comments expose a belief that American policy is driven not by the country's best interests, but by "religiously or national origin-based special interests ... Additionally, whether intentional or not, his words raise the specter of age-old stereotypes about Jewish control of our government, a poisonous myth that may persist in parts of the world where intolerance thrives, but that has no place in open societies like the U.S."
Greenblatt defended Ellison last week against criticism of his past association with the Nation of Islam and his close relationships with Islamist groups like the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), both of which were created by members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Ellison "long ago ... disassociated himself from the [Nation of Islam] and apologized for its anti-Semitism," Greenblatt wrote. And, "we have seen no concrete evidence of any link between Ellison and the Brotherhood."
"He has been outspoken about anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry in his role as a congressman. Local Jewish leadership in his district speaks highly of him," Greenblatt wrote.
But the 2010 comments exposed by the IPT changed all that. Bipartisan support for Israel, "our most important ally in the region, a democracy whose emphasis on equality and commitment to the rule of law stands in stark contrast to the anarchy and authoritarian regimes that prevail in much of the Middle East" is vital, Thursday's statement said. The next head of the Democratic Party should "have fidelity to these timeless ideals at all times."
The DNC is expected to choose its next leader in early 2017.

Potential DNC Chair Keith Ellison Supports Groups That Want To Destroy America With Sharia

Vastly outweighing Rep. Keith Ellison’s anti-Israel credentials are his anti-American credentials.
With some exceptions—including the Anti-Defamation League and some liberal groups such as J Street and Americans for Peace Now—the organized Jewish community’s outcry against the bid by Minnesota’s Rep. Keith Ellison’s to head the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has been pretty much universal.
The reasoning for such unanimous revulsion can be attributed to a range of unpalatable behaviors. Whether it is Ellison’s openly anti-Semitic associations, his misleading criticism of Israel as a human rights violator, or his dogged attempt to block critical funding for Israel’s vital Iron Dome missile defense system, he has been a consistent and an abrasive detractor of the U.S.-Israel relationship. This alone—given that the cornerstone of American support for Israel is bipartisan cooperation, and that Republicans and Democrats are seeking pathways to healing around scant opportunities for consensus—should be enough of a reason to disqualify Ellison from the DNC post.

Keith Ellison Loves Groups that Undermine America

Vastly outweighing Ellison’s anti-Israel credentials, however, are his anti-American credentials. Being a convert to Islam does not make Ellison anti-American. But the Minnesota lawmaker, as a visible and a vocal supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood, is supporting an anti-American agenda. The Muslim Brotherhood—in its own words, as evidenced in court documents—calls for “destroying Western civilization from within” and replacing that civilization with a supremacist, sharia law-based autocracy. Even Saudi Arabia has outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood, making it a state-designated terrorist organization.
Ellison also supports the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America, and the Muslim Students’ Association, all of whom—based on well-established public record—are linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Having a cheerleader for the Muslim Brotherhood in the top position of the Democratic Party’s center of operations is an ideological anathema. Security concerns aside, Americans are not far from waking up to the obtusely ironic fact that the same party which has invested so much political capital defending LGBTQ activists and women would allow for the ascension of a leader who supports an ideology that so repressively denigrates the human rights of gays and women.

Doing Radical Islam’s Bidding

Proactively embalming political Islamists like the Muslim Brotherhood under First Amendment protections has been a full-time pursuit for Ellison. The mission of CAIR, for which Ellison is an unabashed supporter, is to function as a self-appointed monitor of “blasphemy.” Groups like CAIR serve solely as the gatekeepers of determining what words, ideas, and activities can be classified as being offensive to Islam.
Within that very spirit, President Barack Obama ordered the FBI to purge its training manuals of any references to Islam, and to cease any surveillance or profiling activities that are based on associations with Islam. The word “jihadist” was changed to “extremist.” People with sterling records as counter-terrorism experts, such as the Investigative Project on Terrorism’s Steven Emerson, were immediately banned from providing information to the CIA, FBI, and Department of Homeland Security. There have been nearly 30,000 acts of terror around the world since 9/11. This gross injustice—the whitewashing of radical Islam’s impact—should anger most Americans intensely.
The proof is in the pudding. During the Obama presidency, there were 159 fatalities attributable to Islamic terror. Of the 36 terrorist incidents those fatalities represent, there is strong evidence that eight might have been prevented with more aggressive monitoring. The core question is: What role did Ellison play in shaping policies that ultimately led to the unnecessary breach of American security by radical Islamists?
Judging from his track record, Ellison’s influence as DNC leader would facilitate the validation of a violent supremacist ideology that at its core is rabidly anti-American. How we got to this place is a question Americans need not grapple with any longer. Clearly, Ellison would not be the wisest choice to help lead the nation out of the feckless haze of ambiguity that has, in regards to the question of the legitimacy of radical Islam, been forcefully imposed against many objections.
Given the widely expressed sentiments about radical Islam during the 2016 presidential campaign, unless they are not concerned with sustaining their party Democrats may want to visibly jettison Ellison.
Andrew Lappin is a Chicago-based redeveloper and contributor to the Haym Salomon Center, a news and public policy group. Lappin serves on the board of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews and The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America.

To every Jewish Democrat write: (if you have the courage to fight evil) 

1. You lie about Israel lover Steve Bannon but ignore Hamas lover/Muslim terrorist Keith Ellison & DNC nomination while Pres. Elect Trump looks to ban Muslim Brotherhood because it is a terrorist organization, previously coddled by Obama/Hillary.. Are you lying anti-Semites too?

This travesty is supported by the traitor, NY Senator Schumer who will next Minority leader of the senate.

You defame Israel lover Steve Bannon

2.Trump may appoint Rudy Giuliani sec of state, who has been to Israel numerous times and is very close friends with P.M.Bibi, as is Trump. Big improvement over Israel haters Clinton and Kerry. and many of Trump's closest advisers are Jewish and all his advisers are very pro Israel.

4.You’re an embarrassment to Judaism and God

Anti-Semitic, racist Democrats want to nominate Muslim, Nation of Islam Keith Ellison as head of the party. He has deep ties to terrorist groups Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. Hamas is open about wanting to kill every Jew in the world. Shame on any Jew still a Democrat. Self-hating Jew senator and next Senate Minority Leader, NY Senator Chuck Schumer supports this travesty.

Did you forget about the Democratic convention booing Jerusalem? Did you forget wickileaks proved leadership of DNC are bigots and anti-Semites? The Democrats have been racists from slave days, through KKK and Southern Segregationists, always fought civil rights, and still are today. they have conned the minorities. "The Council on American-Islamic Relations’ (CAIR) executive director, Nihad Awad (a self-identified supporter of Hamas), spoke at a fundraiser for Ellison, who accepted thousands of dollars in campaign donations raised by Awad. "

Ellison says Jews benefitted from 9-11

See TESTIMONY from mnahy Jews that Steve bannon s an ISRAEL and JEW LOVER!

Democrats are LYING as usual.

Muslim Congressman Caught Financing JIHAD 

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Rep. Keith Ellison, known for defending the Islamic State group against allegations of being Islamic, just decided to upgrade himself from a mere jihad apologist to a full-fledged jihad lobbyist.

He did so by travelling to the terrorist-ridden nation of Somalia to help some terror-sympathizing constituentsin Minnesota funnel money right into the hands of … wait for it … radical Islamic terrorists.

These transfers of money are allegedly designed to help American Somalis support their friends and family members back home. More often than not, however, the money winds up in the hands of the jihadists.

BREAKING: Trump Moves on First Muslim Ban… Liberals Watch in Horror 
Libs Says ISIS Thrilled About Trump Win… Ignore That Muslim Brotherhood Quaking in Boots 
ALERT: After FBI Announcement, Security Officers Issue Shock Warning About Huma & Saudis 

“I told my constituency I would come here and work for the United States and Somalia relationship, and I am doing that in today’s visit,” Ellison announced at a news conference in Mogadishu.

Yet logic suggests that helping American Somalis indirectly fund terror does nothing whatsoever to aid that relationship. If anything, it puts the Somali government, which battles daily with militants from the Al-Shabaab jihadist group, in an even more precarious position.

It also does nothing to help the Minnesota legislator’s own country in its bid to wipe out Islamic terrorism. But that Ellison would try to spin what he’s really doing should be no shocker, given his past actions.

In 2008, for instance, Ellison accepted a $13,350 donation from the Muslim American Society, which according to Steven Emerson, director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, “is the de facto arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S.” (H/T Jihad Watch)

It should be as clear as day to everyone that the Democrat congressman aligns himself much more closely with radical Islamic ideology than he does with good old-fashioned American values.

This raises a question: Why is this man in Congress, when he ought to be in prison?

The Ellison angle

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 01:53 AM PST

(Scott Johnson)

Democrats and their media adjunct are stirring the pot about the alleged bigotry of prospective Trump White House advisor Steve Bannon, yet they are poised to name a long-time advocate of one of the leading racist and anti-Semitic organizations in the United States as chairman of their party. I’m referring of course to Minnesota Fifth District Rep. Keith Ellison and his long involvement with the Nation of Islam.

Yesterday Ellison formally announced his bid to become chairman of the Democratic Party. Leading Democrats have lined up to support him. He seems to be poised to take the reins of the national party. Allison Sherry reports from Washington for the Star Tribune:

Ellison drew widespread support over the weekend and Monday from the party’s elite, including Sanders and presumed incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. Harry Reid, the current Senate minority leader, threw his support behind Ellison. Even President Obama told reporters the party needed fresh faces and new ideas to rebuild, though he did not mention anyone by name.

As a black and left-wing Muslim in a one-party town with a cheerleading newspaper, Ellison has been insulated from the kind of media scrutiny that he should have received over the past 10 years. Rather, he has been celebrated as the first Muslim to be elected to Congress. Who wanted to stand in his way? Certainly not the political reporters or editors at the Star Tribune.

The Star Tribune has never troubled itself to chronicle Ellison’s unsavory years on the make in Minneapolis as an active local leader of the Nation of Islam, even though it could have drawn on its own archives to do so. The Star Tribune has left Ellison free to lie about his past and it is a freedom that he has exploited to the hilt.

Thus Sherry reports on Ellison’s current bid without the slightest hint of Ellison’s back pages:

Ellison issued a statement Monday castigating Trump’s choice, saying that Bannon “is adored by white supremacists, white nationalists, anti-Semites, neo-Nazis and the KKK,” and that the president-elect must rescind the appointment if he is “serious about rejecting bigotry, hatred and violence from his supporters.”

Ellison’s public agitation on behalf of the Nation of Islam extends back to his days as a law student at the University of Minnesota Law School through his first attempt to secure the Democratic endorsement for a state legislative seat. Over the years Ellison agitated on behalf of the Nation of Islam he operated under names including Keith Hakim, Keith X Ellison and Keith Ellison-Muhammad. I summarized this aspect of Ellison’s rise in the Weekly Standard article “Louis Farrakhan’s first Congressman” and the companion Power Line post “Keith Ellison for dummies.”

Ellison’s freedom from media scrutiny has served him well so far. Apart from an extremely misleading letter to the Jewish Community Relations Council in 2006, Ellison has never had to account, explain or apologize for his long-time membership in and advocacy of the Nation of Islam. Rather, Ellison has lied about it, minimized it and suppressed it. In his own memoir Ellison rewrites his past, presenting himself as a critic of the Nation of Islam for its bigotry and hatred. He does not confide in readers that the source of his knowledge is personal and that it comes from the inside. I don’t think much of the Democratic Party or its leaders, but I have to ask whether Democrats really know what they are buying with Ellison.

UPDATE: I just heard a radio news report indicating that Ellison denies he was ever a member of the Nation of Islam. This is a bald-faced lie for which I have the ocular proof in “Keith Ellison for dummies.”

From the Ellison file

Posted: 19 Nov 2016 05:38 AM PST

(Scott Johnson)

The ascent of Keith Ellison to the possible leadership of the Democratic Party is a fateful event. Here is a man who was an active local leader of the racist and anti-Semitic cult known as the Nation of Islam until some time past his first attempt at political office as a Democrat, yet who has never acknowledged, accounted or apologized for his activities and expressed beliefs on behalf of the cult. Rather, as I recounted in the Weekly Standard article “Louis Farrakhan’s first congressman” (2006), Ellison has explained them away with lies and deceptions.

In her Jerusalem Post column “The Ellison challenge,” Caroline Glick builds on my research to elaborate on the meaning of Ellison’s rise for any decent Democrat with eyes to see. Joel Mowbray has more to the same effect in his Daily Caller column on Ellison.

I have taken a deep dive this morning into my thick file on Ellison. At the bottom I found an email from the University of Minnesota Daily opinion editor who published Ellison’s columns peddling the Nation of Islam line under the name “Keith Hakim” in the school year 1989-90. The email is dated September 13, 2006, and was written to a friendly acquaintance of mine who was helping Ellison’s Republican opponent in the election. The email reads in part:

I was the U of M opinions [sic] editor who published Keith Hakim/Ellison’s pieces way back when and wrote a counterpoint that dealt w/the fallout. I was in the middle of things.

It’s been a LONG time and I don’t know if he’s changed but the Keith Ellison/Hakim I knew then is completely unsuited for public office. I hope the Republican wins and I’m a Democrat….

Some facts about Keith from somebody who knows:

* Keith promised my editors he was “in the middle of a name change” so they forced me to publish under that dumb pseudonym, Keith E. Hakim. Like [his unpaid] traffic tickets and taxes, I suppose he “never got around to it.” This seems to be a pattern with Keith: ignoring promises and obligations.

The old opinion editor had moved to Florida. I followed up with a telephone interview. He told me that Ellison never said he was a Muslim, that he was the leader of the Nation of Islam on campus. My notes add: “he was was the Nation of Islam rep…hatemonger.” 
Photo MSNBC / YouTube

Posted: 04 Dec 2016 04:58 AM PST
(Scott Johnson)
Keith Ellison is trying to plug the leaks that have sprung in his nascent campaign to head the Democratic National Committee. Ellison seeks to plug the leaks with lies and he’s lying as fast as he can talk. Let’s tune on him in action.
Last week the Investigative Project on Terrorism released audio of Ellison speaking during a 2010 political fundraiser, criticizing what he saw as the inappropriate and disproportionate influence Israel carries over American foreign policy. The IPT audio caught Ellison on tape: “The United States foreign policy in the Middle East is governed by what is good or bad through a country of 7 million people. A region of 350 million all turns on a country of 7 million,” said Ellison, D-Minn. “Does that make sense? Is that logic? Right? When the Americans who trace their roots back to those 350 million get involved, everything changes. Can I say that again?”
This was enough for the Anti-Defamation League to dismount from Ellison’s train. The ADL’s left-wing executive director Jonathan Greenblatt has succumbed to institutional imperatives. Greenblatt has declared Ellison’s comments “deeply disturbing and disqualifying.” That’s because, “whether intentional or not, his words raise the specter of age-old stereotypes about Jewish control of our government, a poisonous myth that may persist in parts of the world where intolerance thrives.”
Jonathan Martin reports in the New York Times that Ellison responded in an open letter to the ADL. Hey, in 2006 it worked for him with the Jewish Community Relations Council in Minneapolis. Why not now?
In his open letter to the ADL Ellison falsely claimed that “the audio released was selectively edited and taken out of context.” He also claimed that he was merely “responding to a question about how Americans with roots in the Middle East could engage in the political process in a more effective way.” And then he chose to attack the IPT, as he has “right-wing blogs” closer to home.
In “”Keith Ellison’s disinformation campaign” the IPT has now posted the complete audio of Ellison’s remarks. It responds: “None of Ellison’s comments are true.” That’s what I’ve been saying now for 10 years.
None of Ellison’s comments in his 2006 letter to the JCRC letter was true either. This time around, however, Ellison lacks the protection of a cow town’s local paper and its devoutly Democratic Jewish power brokers.
On the contrary, one major national Democratic donor and power broker has been paying attention. He’s got Ellison’s number. Speaking on Friday at the gala dinner organized by the Brookings Institution in connection with the Saban Forum, Haim Saban unloaded on Ellison: “If you listen to Keith Ellison today, and you see his statements he’s more of a Zionist than Herzl, and Ben Gurion and Begin combined. It’s amazing, it’s a beautiful thing. If you go back to his positions, his statements, his speeches, the way’s he voted, he’s clearly an anti-Semite and anti-Israel individual.”
That signifies. Ron Kampeas covers Saban’s remarks on Ellison at length for the JTA in “Saban says Keith Ellison’s DNC win would bring ‘disaster’ to relationship between Jews and Dems.” Martin notes Saban’s remarks in “Question facing Ellison: Could he lead DNC as part-timer?”
Ellison is lying as fast as he can. In response to national interest the University of Minnesota Daily posted the complete works of “Keith E. Hakim,” Ellison’s four columns advocating the Nation of Islam line in 1989-1990 as a third-year student at the University of Minnesota Law School. In the columns Ellison called for reparations and a separate black nation. Ellison explicated his columns for the hometown crowd on Minnesota Public Radio last week: “Those stories were tongue in cheek when I wrote them. It was over 26 years ago.” I think this falls into the category of nonresponse response: “People are going to try and dig up stuff to undermine my candidacy, but we’ve all been on a life journey and have hopefully learned something over the past quarter century, and I have too.”
This is a variation of Ellison’s claims of ignorance of what he was doing in the Nation of Islam after his graduation from law school while he was on the make in Minneapolis. He put it this way on Medium last week: “In my effort to pursue justice for the African-American community, I neglected to scrutinize the words of those like Khalid Muhammed and Farrakhan who mixed a message of African American empowerment with scapegoating of other communities. These men organize by sowing hatred and division, including, anti-Semitism, homophobia and a chauvinistic model of manhood. I disavowed them long ago, condemned their views, and apologized.”
Does the Democratic National Committee really want to join Ellison on his “life journey”? We shall see.

Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg
Esynagogue/Rodfei kodesh

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