
Thursday, December 22, 2016

Obama yesterday blamed Rush Limbaugh and Fox for why he isn't more popular.

Obama yesterday blamed Rush Limbaugh and Fox for why he isn't more popular. Obama is beloved and idolized by Hollywood, mainstream media etc and America sees the truth. Could it be that he doubled our debt, led to record poverty, record poor economic growth over 8 years, growing income inequality, record low labor participation rate, surging murder rates, race riots, isis mass murders, gutted military, all our enemies flourished and allied alienated. In short, worst president ever. But truth is not anything Democrats care about. And you shall know them by their enemies...” #1 enemy for Democrats? Republicans. “Clinton Doesn't Regret Calling Republicans Enemies. “
Obama Worst presidency ever. That is why he isn't more popular. Cost democrats presidency, both Houses of Congress, majority of governors and a thousand State legislators.

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