
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Pearl Harbor, 9-11, terror attacks, police weakened. WHY ARE DEMOCRATS SO INTENT ON ENDANGERING OUR SECURITY?

Pearl Harbor, 9-11, terror attacks, police weakened. WHY ARE DEMOCRATS SO INTENT ON ENDANGERING OUR SECURITY? Dec. 7 1941 sneak attacks by enemy. Enough attention was not paid to intelligence under Democrat Roosevelt.
Democrat Clinton cut intelligence drastically and right after he leaves office we get 9-11.…/clinton-admin-bankrupted-…/
Today we have clear proof that deadly sneak attacks are taking place here, throughout the West and Israel. In the West, these terrorist attacks are happening regularly by Islamic jihadists coming in as refugees, (just open your eyes). The jhadists promise this will be the future and our intelligence says we CANNOT vet the refugees. Still, despite all this, Democrats want to import tens of thousands when the Muslim nations take 0. They seemingly take the side of extreme jihadist regimes every time. Obama never met a jhadist or tyrant he did not favor. Now Democrats embrace blacklivesmatter and alienate and weaken police. Again. WHY ARE DEMOCRATS SO INTENT ON ENDANGERING OUR SECURITY? at least now we have Trump, Mad Dog Mathis, General Flynn etc. Adults in charge.

Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg

Esynagogue/Rodfei kodesh

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