
Thursday, January 26, 2017

Why are they making fun of Trump's call for voter fraud investigation? Because they KNOW it exists and benefits Democrats. Minnesota as an example

So no illegals vote? The man who went on a shooting rampage, killing 5, at a Washington state mall wasn't even a U.S. citizen but he still voted three times!

Why are they making fun of Trump's call for voter fraud investigation? Because they KNOW it exists and benefits Democrats. Minnesota as an example. Did Donald Trump Carry Minnesota?
Posted: 26 Jan 2017 08:08 AM PST
(John Hinderaker)
Voter fraud is in the news again, with President Trump vowing an investigation and the liberal media assuring us that voter fraud does not exist. My question is always: why are they so confident that there is little or no fraud, when so few efforts are made to look for it?
Here in Minnesota, there is no possible way for anyone to know how much voter fraud occurred last November. Minnesota is a same-day registration state, and more than 500,000 voters register on the day of a presidential election. The Minnesota Voters Alliance explains why that is a problem:
Two quick things that should give you a better understanding of what we are complaining about… When the average folks learn about this, they are shocked!
1. First, here is a short video that [former Secretary of State] Mark Ritchie did a few years ago on Capitol Report, which clearly shows there are EIGHT different databases (however insufficient) that all new Registrants are checked against, either BEFORE, or AFTER, the election:
Notice that he conveniently FAILS TO MENTION that NONE Of these checks are done for persons (about 15% to 20% of the voters) who register on election day. Same day registrants aren’t checked for MONTHS AFTER the election is certified.
Voter Registration Application’s (VRA’s) are not entered and verified until AFTER the election. Statute allows the counties 42 days to enter the data, unless they need even more time. VRA’s have to be entered before they can be checked or compared to any databases!!
2. Here is the other link…on the SOS website showing that Election Day Registrants in presidential election years average OVER 500,000. 2016 is only showing 340,000 because that number is not complete, it will more than likely exceed 550,000 when are ALL finally entered into the Statewide Voter Registration System (SVRS). Notice all PRESIDENTIAL election years have exceeded 500,000. (2016 could be closer to 600K due to newly adopted NO EXCUSE Absentee Voting.)
Finally, … the truth is that [Secretary of State] Simon doesn’t know for certain that Hillary won Minnesota because over 500,000 people have NOT BEEN CHECKED AT ALL YET. Seems to me like it’s FAKE NEWS for the SOS to to tell the people of MN that Hillary won the election in MN when he simply does not know, nor could he know.
Voter fraud is concentrated among same-day registrants, and nearly all illegal ballots are cast for Democrats. Hillary Clinton reportedly won Minnesota by around 45,000 votes. This means that if 10% of those who same-day registered also voted illegally (non-citizens, convicted felons, already voted in another state, etc.), Donald Trump probably carried the state. But the result can’t be changed because Minnesota doesn’t have provisional voting. The votes of the 500,000 to 600,000 people who registered on election day have been counted.
Do I think it is likely that Trump carried Minnesota? No. But we probably will never know, and we certainly don’t know now. Trump’s investigation into voter fraud is long overdue.

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