
Sunday, February 26, 2017

Heard Mordechai Kedar today. He is an Israeli scholar of Arabic culture and a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University and leading intelligence expert.

Heard Mordechai Kedar today. He is an Israeli scholar of Arabic culture and a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University and leading intelligence expert.
Points he made
1.    Muslims still fighting civil war (Shiite vs Sunni) over events from 632 CE. It will never be over
2.    Shalom does not =salaam. Peace to us is not peace to them. Salaam =cessation of hostilities, because the opponent at this time, is not beatable. That is the ONLY peace Muslims will make with Jews or the West. Sura, verse 5, the Qur'an also states: "Fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem .
3.    Muslims still fight with each other. They cannot make a better peace with Jews or the West than they can with each other because of the concept of shame in Islam. Egypt only made a temporary peace with Israel in 1979 because a. Israel had defeated Egypt in 48, 56, 67, 73 etcf and b. Egypt was desperate for cash and Europe said they’d only help if their investment would nt get destroyed in another war.
4.    The only way Israel can survive long term is to appear invincible to the Arab States.
5.    Arab Spring+ Obama’s horrible policies led to a disintegration of the Middle East, reintroduction of Russia and an empowerment of Iran,Syria gone as a state, Iraq gone as a state, Libya just a collection of tribes fighting, Yemen being torn apart by Saudis and iran, Afghanistan still failed state, Pakistan with 100 nuks borderline, etc.

6.    Iran grows stronger and more dangerous, aided by Obama’s $150 billion and green lighting nuclear program in the future.

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