
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

If the evil left is not successful in stopping this Scotus nomination, then they might ASSASSINATE him as they might have done to Scalia

HYPOCRITICAL LEFT will try and block Scotus pick

Hypocrisy #1 On the Supreme Court pick. Harvard law, oxford PHD. Voted in to Appeals Court unanimously by Senate. The Republicans allowed Obama to seat his radical leftists justices Sotomayor and Kagan. BUT, we can be certain that, irrespective of the evidence, Senate Democrats will denounce the nominee: (it has started already)
– for supposedly not having shown “a sufficient commitment to the core constitutional values at the heart of our democracy”;
– for having a record that “raise[s] troubling questions about the depth of his commitment to the role of the Supreme Court and Congress in protecting individual rights and liberties under the Constitution”;
– for having a “particularly troubling” record on civil rights and for making “reactionary arguments”;
– for not being “genuinely concerned about the rights of women”;
– for “alarming” views on Roe v. Wade; and
– for working “to turn back the clock on the historic progress of recent decades.”
These specific charges, as it happens, were all leveled by Senator Ted Kennedy against … David Souter in 1990.
Hypocrisy #2 the new LIE of the Left (NYTimes) is that this is a "stolen Scotus" seat since Senate ignored Obama Garland pick. The typical leftists LIE. Although they lie about it now, Democratic VP Biden rule + Senate Minority leader crybaby Schmer was no Scotus nominations during last 2 years of Bush term with clear intent that new President should pick the scotus replacement. Democrat=hypocrite
Hypocrisy #3 They call us nazis when they actually are adopting nazi tactics. If the evil left is not successful in stopping this nomination, then they might ASSASSINATE him as they might have done to Scalia ( , and keep saying they will do to Trump. Nver forget that Hillary suggested "DRONING ASSANGE".
They are fascists, just as evil as Nazis, Stalinists, Maoists. This is not the rantings of a lunatic, but of responsible brilliant people like Dennis Prager. (
We are at war with the dangerous left. They want to ruin the nation. They cannot win. Thank God for Trump.

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