
Friday, March 3, 2017

Trump laid out the case and asked for cooperation to fix it and Democrats SAT ON THEIR HANDS.

Obama, after his disastrous presidency, left the country worse off in every way. Trump laid out the case and asked for cooperation to fix it and Democrats SAT ON THEIR HANDS. They have no interest in making America better. All they care about is power, so they lie, try and distract us, cause turmoil. Democrats are evil and despicable. Trump plan to reverse and repair the mess Obama left after worst presidency ever and LEFT is uninterested except to block it.
• What Obama did to ruin USA: record poverty, doubled all previous debt, worst ever 8 year record of economic growth, worst recovery from recession, lied about Obamacare disaster, lied about catastrophic Iran deal, allowed Isis to be created, Al Quida to flourish as well as China, Russia and N. Korea to expand, alienated Israel, (most anti-Semitic act of 2016 according to Wiesenthal Center with UN abstention), did nothing to fix VA health scandal, gutted our military, record business killing regulations, open borders brought in million illegal aliens and unvetted Middle Eastern refugees, Obama’s policies endorsing blacklivesmatter which led to record killing of cops and race riots, Obama’s policies that led to worsening race relations, Obama’s polices of highest corporate tax rate in world, did nothing about failed public school monopoly, denying poor families school choice, Obama’s polices that led to Blacks doing WORSE in every measurable category under Obama,

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