Moses said to the people in his final charge "I put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life...Be strong and resolute..for the Lord will not forsake you" Deut. 30 and 31. Former US National Debate Champion and Ordained Rabbi tackles issues of Public Policy, Israel, Islamic Terrorism, Antisemitism, Jewish Wisdom and the Chicago Bears
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Collapsing Obamacare was built on total lies.Republicans had to save us.
Obamcare nigtmare: we learned today 94/99 Iowa counties will have NO Obamacare option 2018. EVERYTHING Obama and Dems said about Obamacare is a LIE. There is NO CHOICE but get rid of it.
Democrats protest across US to save disastrous Obamacare.
Democrats trying to keep Americans sick. Republicans want to make America cared for again.
Obama on Capital Hill tryin“g to save his catastrophic legacy item, the disastrous Obamacare. How can Democrats not be embarrassed?
Obama lied:
1. he said you could keep your doctor. LIE
2. he said you could keep your plan. LIE
3. he said premiums would go down average $2500 per household. LIE. Massive increases
4. He said it would cost US $900 billion. LIE. It cost 2.7 TRILLION.
5. Obamacare architect Gruber admitted they knew they were lying because they thought we were stupid
6. Obamacare encouraged businesses to NOT hire, by making it go into effect at 32 hours per week and 50 employees.
7. They lie continually when they say Republicans have no good alternatives.
8. Doctors fleeing medicine because of…/mass-exodus-u-s-doctors-fleeing-medic…/
9. Still have 30 million uninsured after all this…/Even-Obamacare-29-Million-P…
10.EVEN Bill Clinton called it "CRAZY"
11. Obamacare killed any competition between insurance companies to reduce costs, driving many out of states.
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