
Friday, June 30, 2017

There are no depths of low to which the Democratic propagandists in the media will sink.

There are no depths of low to which the Democratic propagandists in the media will sink. They have called Trump and his family every name in the book, talked about murdering Trump and displayed his severed head on a stick, advocated raping Melania and now urging Trump to assassinate his son-in-law. They are worried about their safety????
Keep it up you low lifes!!!! In case you are wondering about a rabbi saying this, remember Rabbi Akiva was main advocate of bar Kochba revolt Rome. We are in a life and death struggle to preserve Western Civilization.

As July 4 approaches, we must realize we have a battle on our hands as important as the Revolutionary War. It is a battle for Western Civilization. On one side are jihadist, fake news media and the Deranged Democratic party trying to destroy what our Founding Father's fought for and on the other side, led by Trump, an effort to restore America's greatness by reducing government overreach, rebuild the military, fight evil, restore freedoms. This week's Scotus decisions on religious liberty and travel ban help. Exposing fake news deranged media helps. Trump's executive orders reversing Obama's helps. But the swamp is deep and we must all help.

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