
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Where are our REPUB Senators DEMANDING Mueller and the phony anti Trump investigation be stopped??????Chickens all of them

Where are our REPUB Senators DEMANDING Mueller and the phony anti Trump investigation be stopped??????Chickens all of them. Afraid fake News NYSLIME will be upset? WHAT WE SUSPECTED ALL ALONG. DEMS BEHIND RUSSIAN PHONY COLLUSION. Mueller one of their errand boys it looks more and more like.…/inside-the-shadowy-intelligence-firm-b…/
Mueller has to go. BFF of fired FBI director Comey has hired 14 Democratic hack attorneys totally loyal to Hillary to persecute Trump based on NOTHING.
From WSJournal editorial "the special counsel whose friend was fired by Donald Trump is focusing on obstruction of an investigation into an underlying crime that so far doesn’t exist. In Watergate at least there was a third-rate burglary...
Much of Washington clearly views Mr. Mueller as their agent to rid the country of a President they despise. Every political and social incentive in that city will press Mr. Mueller to oblige. But you cannot topple a duly elected President based merely on innuendo or partisan distaste without doing great harm to democracy... Imagine what it will be like if millions of Americans conclude that a presidential election is being overturned by an elite consensus across the vast ideological and cultural divide running all the way from the New York Times to the Washington Post.
Move on. Let Trump do what he was ELECTED to do by the people. Mueller, do the decent thing and resign.

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